Step 48
The island is too bright for this scene. Create a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer and lower the saturation to -52. Clip the adjustment layer to the island.
Step 49
Create a Curves Adjustment Layer and also clip it to the island. Slightly lower the red curve down and the blue curve up to increase the bluish hue in the island.
Step 50
Open the file “Palm”. Copy/paste the palm in our scene and place the palm on the island. Create a new layer and place it underneath the palm – paint a very subtle dark shadow (from left to right).
Step 51
Create a Curves Adjustment Layer and clip it to the palm layer. Use the settings shown below to boost the green colors in the palm.
Step 52
The colors of the palm are too strong – create a new Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer and clip it to the palm. Lower the Saturation slider to -46.
Step 53
The trunk of the palm seems to light – let’s darken it. Create a Curves Adjustment Layer and use the settings shown below to dramatically darken. Clip this layer to the palm layer and fill the layer mask with black (Shift + F5). Paint with white in the layer mask of the curves over the trunk to reveal the darkening effect only there.
Step 54
Select all the palm layers and group them. Click on the group to make it active and duplicate it by pressing Ctrl + J. Right click on the duplicate group and from the drop down menu choose “Rasterize Layer”. This will convert the group into a pixel layer. Use free transform to position the rasterized palm layer as shown below.
Step 55
Create a new layer and paint some waves crashing into the island.
Step 56
Let’s add another suspense element in our scene – a diver that stumbles upon the mighty underwater beast. Open the file “Diver” and use the Pen Tool to make a selection of the diver. Copy/paste in our scene and position him as shown below. Lower the opacity of the layer to 31%.
Step 57
Create a new layer and set the blending mode to Overlay. Use a round soft brush to paint with white some light coming from the diver’s direction (we assume he has a lantern on his head).
Step 58
Open the file “Boat”. Copy/paste the boat into our scene and place it near the island.13 responses to “Create a Troublesome Underwater Scene with a Big Green Monster in Photoshop”
Please check, no image. Thanks
Uhhm Im tryin’ to figured it out the steps that has no images. Kindly check it? :3 Thaaanks.
http://postimg.org/image/vrrpleroz/ I have tried it xd I liked that tut, thanks..
It is very good. Easy to follow the steps. Thank you for sharing. Just a shame that the download link does’nt work
Nice -
i can’t see some of the images. Can you plz check them again?
Thanks :)
Some of the images are not loading. You may want to check the paths
Moataz Malinky
ITzz Arslan
I’m Photoshop beginner :) but I’m gonna try :)
u’ll do it :like:
i have done :)
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