Step 7

Open the file Moon and using the Elliptical Marquee Tool select the moon. Copy (Ctrl + C) and paste (Ctrl + V) into our document. Right click on the pasted layer and choose Convert to Smart Object. Resize and position as I did in the image below.


Step 8

Double-click the moon layer to enter Advanced Blending Mode and apply a color overlay (#71a8e3) set to Overlay Blending Mode.


Step 9

Add a layer mask to the layer moon and using a round black soft brush mask the lower and the left side of the moon.


Step 10

Let’s add some highlight to our moon. Create a new layer and add a layer mask (Layer > Layer Mask > Hide All). Ctrl- click on the moon layer to make a selection than press D to set the default colors. Finally, press Alt + Backspace to fill the selection with white. Click on the layer again to select it and with a white brush paint some highlights on the right and up side of the moon.



Step 11

Now let’s create the terrain. Open file “Desert” and using the quick selection tool select the terrain only (not the sky). Copy and paste the terrain into our document. As you already guess now you should right click the desert layer and convert it to a smart object. Resize it and position the terrain as shown below. If your selection was imperfect feel free to add a layer mask and mask the

unwanted bits.


Step 12

In this step and the following steps we will apply some adjustment layers to the desert layer in order to blend it better with our image. Usually almost any imported/pasted layer is often more saturated than the rest of the composition (not only in this case but in general) so let’s add a Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer and tweak with the values. We notice that the terrain looks much better if we decrease slightly the saturation. But in order to apply the effect only to the terrain layer we must clip the Hue/Saturation to the Desert layer by Alt-clicking between the two ( and we will do so for the rest of the adjustment layers applied to the terrain). If you notice the a group called City and wonder why you don’t have it don’t worry about it, you will find out why in the future steps.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

19 responses to “How to Create Vivid Arabian Night Composite in Photoshop”

  1. lantai marmer Avatar
    lantai marmer

    File please..

  2. Rajesh Avatar
  3. Ihsan Avatar

    link to the download ?

  4. JM Avatar

    This is some half-assed work indeed. The stars can been seen straight through all over the moon. The clouds are overblown to white and badly blended. This looks like the work of a troll to me. I mean come on.

  5. Chris Avatar

    There’s no link to the download file!!!

    1. Chris Avatar

      The PSD file …

  6. mr.Rasel Avatar

    its so informative tutorial.

  7. Gail lenio Avatar
    Gail lenio

    its really helpful tut i learn many things from this.

  8. John Avatar

    wtf is this shit? looks like something a kid in elementary school would draw = /

  9. Nico Avatar

    There’s no link to the Clouds image… : ((

  10. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    This is a really inspiring collection for all, I like it, thanks for shearing!

  11. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Thank you for the great tutorial! It has been very helpful to see a few techniques in action.

  12. Arafin Sardar Avatar
    Arafin Sardar

    Really amazing photo manipulation tutorial.

  13.  Avatar

    Nice tut!

    1.  Avatar

      what a hard im just a highschool

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