
On the second I continue using this brush to paint on parts like on the first layer, remember to vary brush opacity to get more natural result:


Step 27

Create some new adjustment layers on the top to enhance color, saturation and increase the vibrance of the whole picture:


On Color Balance layer mask I use brush to reduce cyan on some parts below:


Step 28

There is a small detail we need to take care of. You may notice that we have a small stick on foreground. I don’t want to remove it with Clone Tool as I want to keep more details for this part. It needs a shadow! To do it I make a new layer within foreground group (above 1 and 2), use Pen Tool to make a line on the ground and stroke it with black brush, 1 px:


Apply Gaussian Blur with 1 px and blur the top of this shadow with layer mask:


Final Results


Download the PSD

Tutorial by Jenny Le

avatar02Thank you for reading this tutorial, I hope it useful for you. If you want to view my other arts and tutorials you can follow me on Facebook or visit my website . Enjoy photoshopping!

– Jenny

Pages: 1 2 3 4

11 responses to “Create a Vivid Winter Aurora Landscape”

  1. Iain Avatar

    Nice article for those people who wants to learn more about photoshop…

  2. wilson Avatar


  3. saji Avatar

    nice tutorial … thanks

  4. saji Avatar


  5. wendy Avatar

    photoshop is amazing =)

    1. Christiana Paul Avatar
      Christiana Paul

      just awesome thanks for nice tut.

  6. Umar Langa Avatar
    Umar Langa

    I agree with Chaser

  7. Chaser Avatar

    OMG!! What a humongous polar bear!

    Not bad for a tut but you need to learn perspective… unless you intentionally decided to make a dinosaur-sized polar bear.

    1. I am smart, s m r t Avatar
      I am smart, s m r t

      It’s intentional… ?

      A polar bear in that distance will be a 1 pixel dot.

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