
Step 3: Create the Mysterious House

In this Step, we will be adding the eerie house. To start, Place the file “ol house 1” by JensStockCollection. Next, create a selection area around the house as shown below:


Once you’ve made the selection area around the house, Copy it and Paste it on our canvas.


Transform the house. Activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd + T), take note we don’t have to convert this image to a Smart Object since we only have to resize it once. Resize it as shown below:


The result should be something like this:


Now, let’s fix the perspective of the house.


Now, here’s a fun part! We will now make the house look like it really is on the grass. Left click on the house layer and create a layer mask.


Activate the Brush tool (B) and select this brush from the contextual menu (right click on the layer). You may use your own brush settings, but these are the recommended values:

  • Brush size: 250px
  • Hardness: not applicable
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: 000000

Remember, we are applying this to the layer mask so the brush’s color should be black. If you want to show something that was covered by black, paint that area with a white brush.


Right now, the house should look like it really is in the field.


Now we will be removing the door, to show what is inside this mysterious house. To remove the door, activate the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) and create a selection area around the door then press Delete. OR if you want, you may also click on the Layer Mask and paint the door black using a Brush tool with a 100% Hardness.


Once you’re done, select all the layers of this Step and press Ctrl/Cmd + G and name this group to “House”.


Step 4: The Beach

Now, let’s open Ocean by theswedish. Select all (Ctrl/Cmd + A), copy it (Ctrl/Cmd + C) and paste it on our canvas. Put the beach layer in between the house and the field, this will make it appear inside the house.


Now, let’s resize the beach image. Activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd + T) and follow the instruction below:




Let’s make some light come out the doorway! To do that, let’s create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) above the House layer, then rename this new layer to “Light from beach”. We won’t need to put a Clipping Mask since the target is both the Beach image and the House.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

19 responses to “How to Create a World Under the Sky using Photoshop”

  1. Rj raju Avatar
    Rj raju

    It is very helpful tutorial and great idea for this tutorial….many many thanks a lot

  2. Optical Overlays Avatar
    Optical Overlays

    Awesome! :)

  3. Rama Vinaya Avatar
    Rama Vinaya


    1. Optical Overlays Avatar
      Optical Overlays

      Yup Indeed

  4. Ayaan Avatar

    outstanding fantastic Fab work amazing

  5. Ayaan Avatar

    Please re uploaded PSD file because when i click on download showing 404 error, this is best work for me i want check how did you do this

  6. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Awesome! Excellent tutorial. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Kevin Alemán Avatar
    Kevin Alemán

    Good image, but the instructions could be better.

  8. Mara Avatar

    Thank you, this was good practice, Though I did change some things, such as the shadow beneath the clouds. I made it more of a slow fade together of the house and cloud pictures, looked more cloudlike.

  9. James Avatar

    Thanks for sharing this tutorial

  10. Meinert Avatar

    This is nice but I agree with what the others said

  11. K.B.GUPTA Avatar

    I can`t understand. It is very tough

  12. ALCI JIMENEZ Avatar

    espectacular la imagen las tima que eltutorial no sea hablado

  13. Morgan Avatar

    I can’t understand

    1.  Avatar

      so was i

  14. v7 Avatar

    thank you

  15. Anonymous Avatar

    “Activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd + T), take note we don’t have to convert this image to a Smart Object since we only have to resize it once.”

    WTF? Nothing is more wrong than that

    1. Martorelli Avatar

      I understand that from the authors point of view but the larger issue here is that he doesn’t understand the concept of non-destructing editing. The tutorial is constantly copying and pasting when it should have been imported as smart obj and stenciled with a layer mask. He knows how to use it but purposefully teaches destructing editing. Thus, leading myself to believe that the authors does not grasp the concept of non-destructing editing.

  16. Clark Avatar

    I really hate this tutorial. You start by explaining “non-destructive editing” and then everything is destructive from the 2nd page on.

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