
Step 27

Make the cloud layer invisible. Select background layer, and then use Rectangular Marquee tool to create selection as shown in the image below.

Press Ctrl+J to copy selected area into a new layer, which is later will be our reference to match the cloud and background layer color’s.


Step 28

The next step is to get all the colors to match, so go to Image> Adjustment> Match Color. In the Source box, select the PSD file that you’re working in. In the Layer box, select the “layer 1” (the new layer we get in Step 27) as the reference layer. You can use Image Option sliders to fine-tune the color correction. Click OK to confirm Color Match.


Step 29

Add a layer mask to cloud layer, use Gradient tool to blend the cloud with the background.


Step 30

Click on the layer cloud’s thumbnail to deactivate the layer mask. Blur the cloud image a little by using Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur.

Layer 1 is no longer needed, delete it if you want to.


Step 31

Select all layers between the cloud and full head layer (hold Shift to select multiple layers), then press Ctrl+G to group them. Right click on the group to make a copy of it.


Step 32

Using free transform command, adjust the size and position of group stack2 as shown in the screenshot below.


Step 33

Hide the stack 2 group. Open up the stack 1 group and then click the rim cut layer. Create a selection inside the hole using Magic Wand tool (uncheck Sample All layers option!).


Step 34

Go back to the stack 2 group and make it visible again. Click add layer mask button to change selection into a layer mask for the stack 2 group. You can see the result of this step in the image below.


Step 35

Continue masking until the upper part of head is visible again. Use white Brush tool with 100% opacity to do this step.


Step 36

Create a new ‘shadow’ layer inside stack 2 group. Using low opacity soft Brush tool (color is set to black), draw some shadows in the marked area.


Step 37

Make a copy of stack 1 group once more, place it on top of other groups. As usual, transform its size and position as shown in the image screenshot.


Step 38

Hide the stack 3 group. Open up the stack 2 group and then click the rim cut layer. Create a selection inside the hole using Magic Wand tool once again.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

34 responses to “How to Create a Surreal Head Stack in Photoshop”

  1. Gaurav Verma Avatar
    Gaurav Verma

    Surreal head stack is great practice to improve photoshop skill. I do this when learning photoshop.

  2.  Avatar

    I like this manipulation but the instagram filter is horrible!!

  3. ktbk Avatar

    this tutorial sucks, most of the functions does not work

  4. Steve Avatar

    Thanks. Very resourcefull

  5. Swapadip Sen Avatar
    Swapadip Sen

    Thank you brother, at last I finally found what actually I am looking for. I have tried lot of apps and ad-ons with photosop. But this is manual and perfect solution. Thanks again buddy. From today I will be your daily reader :)

  6. AES Avatar

    absolute brilliant ta

  7. Dennis Avatar

    This tutorial is so cool. That heads effect just makes me giggle and I’m sure a lot of people appreciate it. I want to complete as many tutorials as possible. I would hate myself if I didn’t save my work.

  8. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    awesome and unique collection of sequence photography i love it.
    Thank for sharing.

  9.  Avatar

    Nice tut :)

  10. Sufi Avatar

    Wonderful. I created a simpler version of this effect from my son’s image and I want to surprise him with it. Thank you Jayan Saputra.

  11. Dariusz Avatar

    Great tutorial, thanks :)

  12. oigobai Avatar

    Thanks very much for very good lesson!

  13.  Avatar

    Jesus man, this is so ridiculous to follow.

  14. elio Avatar

    this is discusting

  15. Ruman Avatar

    Very nice surreal tutorial. I wanna learn this kind surreal technique from long time ago,thank you very much Jayan Saputra :)

  16. amirtha Avatar

    I like this’s different.

  17. mad dog Avatar
    mad dog


  18. M.Ilyas Avatar

    can any budy tell me how can i make bigger panaflex.
    if any budy known so please tell me as a help,

  19. M.Ilyas Avatar
  20. Your Momma Avatar
    Your Momma

    This Sucks

  21. Conor Avatar

    I’m having trouble finding subtract from shape in cs6,is it Subtract ‘Front’ shape? I think this may be why I cant load both paths to a selection at one time. Please help.

  22. SHARE4RT Avatar

    Nice a tutorial .

  23. Bert Avatar

    this tutorial is a little bit chaotic

  24. diego Avatar

    la verdad se me ha complicado el tutorial no ce si es por que no trabajo con la misma imagen o le falta algo al tutorial agradecería que me explicaran gracias

  25. Ariful Avatar


  26. naresh kumar Avatar
    naresh kumar

    great job bro…. U have sharpened my skills!!! tnkq

  27. Meghan Avatar

    I’d leave the top head out and keep it hollow

  28. Rajeev Avatar

    nice work..appreciated.. ! may i plz gt the .pdf of this tutorial.

  29.  Avatar


  30. Productshotuk Avatar

    Good Ideas …..

  31. vinod Avatar
  32. Vida Avatar


  33. shahid khan Avatar
    shahid khan

    i like this project nd i will be try to make like this but different

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