Step 20
Use a Photo Filteradjustment layer and pick the color#36adc2to blend the model 2 with the model 1.. On the layer mask, paint the cyan cast on the cheeks to remove them.

Step 21
Make a new layer and use the soft brush with the color #72cce5 to paint on some areas on the hair to remove some warm hint there. Change this layer mode to Color 20%.

Step 22
Create a new layer on top of the layers and hit Pto activate the Pen Tool. Use this tool to draw a path like an eyebrow above the model’s left eye. Right click this layer, choose Stroke Pathwith a hard black brush, 20 pxand remember to check Simulate Pressure.

Duplicate this layer and move to the right eye and flip it horizontally.

Step 23
On each of this layer, double click it and apply the Bevel & Emboss effect.

Step 24
Use the same method to draw other strokes on the model following the form and curves of the face and body . I’ve used the layer mask on several layers to remove some unwanted details.

Step 25
Make a new layer and draw a shape on the right shoulder and fill this shape with black. Apply the Bevel & Embosseffect with the same settings in the previous step.

Step 26
Hold Ctrland click the thumbnail of this shape layer to load its selection. Go to Edit > Strokewith the following settings:

Lower the opacity of this layer to50%.

Step 27
Open the cyborg image and use the Lasso Tool to select the part on the back of the cyborg to add to the shape on the shoulder of the model. Use Ctrl+Tto transform this part to fit the form of the shape.

Add a mask to this layer and use a hard black brush to remove the part outside the shape.

Step 28
Make several adjustment layers on top of the layers and use hard brush with the color #72cce5, 12 pxto draw the strokes along the strokes on the body.

Add a mask to each of these layers to erase some parts of the strokes to hide them inside the existing ones.

Step 29
Create a new layer and use a hard brush, 9 pxwith the same color to paint the dots inside the strokes.

Add a mask to this layer to reduce the visibility of the dots on the face.

Step 30
Make a new layer below the strokes group and use a soft brush with the color #808080to paint on the cheeks, chin, nose, neck and shoulders. Change this layer mode to Color 30%.
4 responses to “How to Create a Cyborg Photo Manipulation with Adobe Photoshop”
I can’t do step 22 with the pen stroke, I waste too much time on how to do it, I give up.
I love this tutorial but I wish we didn’t have to pay for the images… :(
Great editing photos I ever saw. Nice retouching for this picture.
Tener que comprar las fotos para el tutorial, no me parece correcto.
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