- Filter: Orange
- Density: 25%
- Preserve Luminosity: Checked
Finally, let’s add a Curves adjustment layer. Now, when the Curves adjustment layer box opens, input the following:
- Channel: RGB
- Input: 125
- Output: 134
Final Results

5 responses to “Dark and Eerie Photo Manipulation Scene”
Many thanks, I enjoy your tutorials, you write very clearly so I am able to understand what I should do. I am learning a great deal!
This is so cool! Thank you!
BTW, the ‘gate’ is here: https://www.deviantart.com/elandria/art/Darklight-147231470
Thank you Su! We’ve updated the link in the tutorial.
awesome tutorial
this is my desing
https://www.dropbox.com/s/rglbypxa94a4atk/Untitled52-1.pngthx alot
good tutorial
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