Step 34
Like before, paint the third shadow on these particular areas with darker color (use #c27545) on a new clipping masked layer with “multiply” blending mode. Set thicker opacity and you may adjust the size of the brush to suit your need. On this step you can add facial wrinkle to impress fierce expression.

Step 35
You also need to add the darkest shadow (you can use black) near the headband and eye’s cover because those areas are darker than others. And after that, add the highlights on a new clipping masked layer with “screen” blending mode. Paint softly using #ebbda1 on these areas which shown by yellow arrows at the right picture below.

Step 36
To add depth to the mouth, create a new clipping masked layer in front of mouth’s layer. Paint soft black shadow with soft round Brush Tool (B), low opacity and 0% hardness.

Step 37
Add details for the headband like previous steps. Use “Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + N” to create a new layer above the headband’s layer. Then create clipping mask and choose multiply blending mode. Give name for this new layer “Shadow 1” and prepare your Brush Tool (B). Use soft round type, low opacity and 0% hardness. You can increase or decrease the size of brush according your needs. Start to paint on right and left parts because there are no much lights reach those parts. And paint on the other part if you want to make a curve so that it will seen as if it’s a bent object. Paint with #a42335. Then use a darker color (#940c1f) to paint on a new clipping masked layer. Next, use #770213. And use soft black for the darkest areas.

Step 38
Then give the highlight area using #a42335 on a clipping masked layer with “screen” blending mode.

Step 39
For these parts you can only add shadows.

Step 40
Next, paint soft white for the highlight of the eye’s cover. Of course on a new clipping masked layer.

Step 41
Create new layer above beard, mustache and hair. Activate Brush Tool (B) and choose “Dune Grass” brush. Open brush’s window (F5) and enter following setting.

Set foreground color to black and background color to #2a2b2b. Use 100% opacity and paint like this. You can adjust the brush size and its flip as you need.
30 responses to “How to Draw a Cute Pirate Character in Photoshop”
Great tutorial thanks for sharing .pls we need more of this,and little more details on reasons for choice of colours
you’re not alone bud
i hate this
Great tutorial it was fun and entertaining so much that i couldnt do it
awful. I hate this so much.
terrible tutorial.
pls is ps use for publishing comics
quite interesting :)
It is hard for me to comprehend the detail that is needed for this to go through photoshop.
Thanks for sharing
nice demo
Some pen instructions could be clearer on how to do them
yes i can’t do the anchor selection on headband
TOOOOO GOOOD . This site made me to learn photoshop,i love these tutorials
I like the idea of this tutorial, it’s very creative and the result looks great.
This is a really inspiring collection for all, I like it, thanks for shearing!
Thanks a lot for this tutorial! I learnt a lot from this! Keep posting more! <3
hello guys! i’m new on photoshop and i having trouble at textures in step 19, can anyone tell more details about this step? thanx! :)
Go to layer palette, put your cursor on the black “front part” of the hat, click to activate it. Then Create a new layer using “Ctrl+Shift+N”. Fill it with black, and then create clipping mask using “Ctrl + Alt + G”. Click menu “Filter > Sketch > Chalk & Charcoal” and set like the example.
Thanks, I learned a lot from this
Hey, thanks for the pirate. I have learned some new blending techniques and fogging
I have to do this in class and I find it extreamly difficult so i decided to copy and paste it.
I will try.
Great tutorial, can’t wait to try it. Thank you so much for putting so much work and effort into making it clear.
Happy Photoshoping,
M. -
It wasn’t as hard as it initially felt like it would be. Thank you for the another amazing tutorial, might pass this on to some of my game dev friends :)
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