This will make it look like the petals are all coming from the center.

step 47

Step 48

Make a new layer titled “flower centers”.


Step 49

Using color #FF7200 draw small ovals and circles in the middle of each flower.

step 49

Step 50

Using the dodge tool, give the flower centers each a light highlight.

step 50

Step 51

New layer “dress” blow the “girl hair” layer and above “skin”.


Step 52

Block in the front of the dress with color #FF9BE6.

Leave the straps uncolored.

step 52

Step 53

Block in the inside of the dress with color #6D0754.

step 53

Step 54

Block in the shadows on the front of the dress with color #E17BC7.

step 54

Step 55

Block in highlights on same section with color #FFABEA.

step 55

Step 56

Add shadows to the inside with color #52033F.

step 56

Step 57

Add a small highlight to the inside of the dress with color #7E0560.

step 57

Step 58

Build up transparent white layers on the straps with color #EBEBEB (33 pixel brush, 11% opacity).

step 58

Step 59

Now go back to the “girl” layer and make the toes for the foot. They are much the same as fingers, except smaller and they have a bigger difference in size.

step 59
step 59 2
step 59 3

Step 60

Color the toes with color #EBFAA; add shadows with color # D5A78F.

step 60

Step 61

Make a new layer above all in the set and title it “face”.


Step 62

Begin the face by making an upside down seven for the nose. Steps 62-66 use color #181818 and a size 9 pixel brush (hard edged).

step 62

Step 63

Draw a little upside down comma and a parentheses next to the seven. This will complete the nose.

step 63

Step 64

Two sideways parentheses will create the basis for her downcast eyes.

step 64

Step 65

Now make several small curved lines beside and around the eyes to make the impression of roundness (for the eyeballs).

step 65

Step 66

Make eyelashes by thinning the line as you go out from the lash base, and making them thicker towards the eye.

step 66

Step 67

Now using a 62% opaque brush, blot in some color to the lashes with color # BB5C00.

step 67

Step 68

Going back to color #181818 (and 100% opacity), make three small lines to indicate the mouth.

step 68

Step 69

Setting the brush back to 62%opacity, make little lines for the eyebrows above the eyes, and mostly obscured in the bangs.

step 69

Step 70

Make a new layer below the “face” and title it “face color”.


Step 71

Block in the lips with color #E69A9A, and the brush set to 62% opacity.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

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