Select the Brush tool then set the size to around 3 pixels. Switch to the Pen tool (P) then create a line on the border of the bottom right corner of the guitar. Set the foreground color to white then, in the Paths palette (Window > Paths), right click on the path then select Stroke Path. Set the tool to Brush then click OK. Reduce the opacity so that it looks like the image below (bottom left area). Now create a selection like shown in the image below (top left area) and fill it with white. Select the Eraser tool (E) and set the brush size to around 50 px and hardness to 0. Erase the right edge of the selection so that it fades gradually from transparent to white. Repeat this process with the middle and top right sides of the guitar. Finish it off by creating a shadow. To do this, select the Elliptical Marquee tool (M) and create an oval like shown in the image below (top middle area). Feather the selection (Select > Modify > Feather) by around 10 pixels then use the Gradient tool (G) to create a black to transparent gradient.

Final Result

Download the PSD
Chitara.zip | 1 MB
2 responses to “How to Create a Beautiful Guitar Icon in Photoshop”
good bro
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