
Dodge the arch of his boots to create light. Burn the edges of his pants to create shadow.


Step 24 – The Evil Thief

Your second character, the Evil Thief, is completed and should look like this:


Step 25 – Starting the third character

Use the Pen tool to trace a path for this last character. Refer to Step 11 if you’re struggling.


Step 26 – Drawing the body

Draw the body, including his bandana, guns, belts, and boots. Don’t be afraid to exaggerate the character’s body dimensions.


Step 27 – Filling in the character with colors and adding depth

Create a new layer behind the layer with the outline. Fill in the hat with camel brown (#dfae6c). Fill in the sash around the hat and the gun grip with a chocolate brown (#653515). Fill in his face and hands with cream (#f3c196). Fill in his hair and facial hair with dark brown (#593c23). Fill in his lips and gums with dark pink (#d59982). Fill in his bandana with red (#a2070c). Fill in his shirt with light brown (#ce9856). Fill in his pants and belt buckle with purple (#87698d). Fill in his boots with khaki brown (#ce9856). Fill in his spurs, belt, and gun holder with brick brown (#5e2605). Fill in the metal part of the grip with gray (#89847b). Dodge and Burn parts of the body you think would be exposed to light and shadows.


Step 28 – The Fat Thief

Your third character, the Fat Thief, is completed and should look like this:


Step 29 – Adding Characters to the Setting

Drag each character onto the image you created in Steps 1-9.


Step 30 – Add shadows

Select the characters and create shadows for them.


Step 31 – Create buttons

Select the Rectangular Marquee tool and create 3 rectangles. Fill the rectangles with white and set the Opacity to approximately 20%.


Step 32 – Label the buttons

Use the Text tool and write on the buttons. In this example, I used: Play, Options, Help, and Scores. Add borders to the text by changing the Layer Style to the following settings:

  • Check “Stroke”
  • Size: 3
  • Position: Outside
  • Blend Mode: Normal
  • Opacity: 100
  • Fill Type: Color
  • Color: black

Step 33 – Color adjustment

Adjust the color (Adjustment Layers > Levels) with the following settings:

  • Channel: RGB
  • Input Levels: 10, 1,00, 245
  • Output Levels: 0, 255

Final Results

Pages: 1 2 3 4

One response to “Create a Flash Game Mockup in Photoshop: “The Outlaws””

  1. pradeep Avatar

    what a great tutorial.. all the concept is clear.. great job

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