*375 pixels, midtones mode, 6% exposure (you only have to sweep the brush back and forth for about 2-5 seconds to lighten the areas enough).
Step 25
Merge down the eyes layer onto the nose layer. This will allow the eyes to be seamlessly blended into the face. To do this, take the eyedropper tool and sample the area directly below the eyes. Then use a 45 pixel brush (20% opacity, soft edge) and blend the skin into the under eye area. The most important thing to remember here is not to get the color into the eye. If you do, they eyes will look hazy.
Next take the eraser tool* and carefully erase the haze of dust that surrounds the face. This will make the image crisper, and will allow you to see the final image coming into play better.

*This will work best if you are using a hard edged round brush and using a steady hand with multiple short strokes around the face. If you do multiple strokes rather than long ones, it will be easier to step back if you make a mistake.
Step 26
This step is the final definition of the face. To do so, take the dodge tool* and run it in the highlight areas of the face three times (about 1.5 seconds in each area) as well as on the jaw line.
Finally to add depth to the face, take color #BC8D72 and brush** it onto the left outer side of the face, using the picture as a reference. Then use color #BC8D72 to blend*** it into the face.

*102 pixels, 22% exposure, soft round brush
**102 pixels, 40% exposure (layering until desired effect is achieved), soft round brush
***Same brush as dark color
Step 27
Make a new layer above all other layers and title it “hair”.
Take color #430704 and indicate the hair over the shoulder. This can be done with a 45 pixel, opaque, hard edged brush in a few short strokes.
We will come back to the hair later, but this added support will make finishing the picture easier.

Step 28
Now we begin to work on the lips. Make a new layer above the nose layer. (You may want to turn on the outline you drew earlier to help you get the right shape for the lips in this layer. After the outline is drawn, the outline may be turned off again.)
7 responses to “Create a Painting from a Portrait Photograph”
gr8 tutorials thanxxx
Please uninstall Photoshop and NEVER use it again.
@Dan Bolivar, Delete your browser, eat a happy pill and go climb a tree. Troll.
Thank you for tutorials.
can i make this without using graphic tablet
Can I use Photoshop 6 to make this…if not, why??
nice tut thanks for sharing
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