Thank you for looking at this tutorial, I hope you enjoyed seeing how I create digital portraits, and that you learned a little about the process along the way!

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7 responses to “Create a Painting from a Portrait Photograph”

  1. shakir Avatar

    gr8 tutorials thanxxx

  2. Dan Bolivar Avatar
    Dan Bolivar

    Please uninstall Photoshop and NEVER use it again.

    1.  Avatar

      @Dan Bolivar, Delete your browser, eat a happy pill and go climb a tree. Troll.

  3. Sling Avatar

    Thank you for tutorials.

  4. maqsood Avatar

    can i make this without using graphic tablet

  5. nikdanial109 Avatar

    Can I use Photoshop 6 to make this…if not, why??

  6. Somya Daksh Avatar
    Somya Daksh

    nice tut thanks for sharing

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