Step 8
Make next selection using one of next tools (Pen Tool , Lasso Tool or Polygonal Lasso Tool )

Add some highlights using Dodge Tool (O) in the indicated places

Step 9
: Make a new layer(Ctrl+Shift+N or you can go to Layer->New->Layer) or you can press the indicated button in the picture below ). Rename the layer to “Stroke2”. You can rename a layer by pressing right click on it , then selecting “Layer properties” option and in the “Name” box you can enter what name you prefer. From the Tools menu select Pen Tool (P key) and make a path like in the picture below

Turn on the option “Simulate pressure” then press OK

Now using Eraser Tool (E) erase over the stroke to give a plus of realism

Step 10
Make a new layer(Ctrl+Shift+N or you can go to Layer->New->Layer) or you can press the indicated button in the picture below ). Rename the layer to “Metal Part” and make next selection using Polygonal Lasso Tool (L)

Fill the selection created above with a grey color, I used #b1b1b1

Step 11
Make next selection using Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) over the Metal part

Add some highlights in the selection using Dodge TOol (O) the create another selection a little bit to right and add highlights again

Step 12
Use Pen Tool (P) to create a path like in the next picture

Fill the path created above using a dark grey color, I used #141416

Add in the left part of the layer some highlights using Dodge Tool

Step 13
Make a new layer(Ctrl+Shift+N or you can go to Layer->New->Layer) then rename the layer to “Stroke3”. You can rename a layer by pressing right click on it , then selecting “Layer properties” option and in the “Name” box you can enter what name you prefer. In this layer add a 1 px stroke like in the picture below

Erase over the stroke to look real

Add 2 square holes over the layer create at the step 12A like I did

Step 14
Make another new layer and using Pen Tool create a path like in the next picture

Add a 2 px black stroke over the button

Step 15
Select the „metal part „ layer and add some highlights over it using Dodge Tool (O)

Step 16
Make a new layer(Ctrl+Shift+N or you can go to Layer->New->Layer) then rename the layer to “Black Stroke”. You can rename a layer by pressing right click on it , then selecting “Layer properties” option and in the “Name” box you can enter what name you prefer, then add a “skinny” black stroke like I did
One response to “How to Create a Sony Xperia Ad in Photoshop”
Its nice, thanx
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