Step 14

Repeat the last two steps with the left section of the box


Step 15

Create a new group and name it ‘Details’. Follow by creating a new layer and naming it ‘Left Flap’. Using the Pen Tool, you want to create a triangle -like shape but with a really flat center. Then right-click and fill it with #767676; Next you want to add an Inner Shadow to it…


Then some Inner Glow..


Step 16

Create a New layer and name it ‘Shadow’. You want to re-do step 11 but with a slightly bigger brush size (size 4-6px), create a line next to the side that divides the left and right section of the box(place it more to the right side). then blur it with gaussian blur and change the blend mode to soft light (it is indicated as a red line below)


Step 17

Repeat the previous step but this time name the layer ‘highlights’ and use #ffffff; as your color and place it more to the left side like so (it is the blue line)


Step 18

Create another layer and name it ‘line’ and using the line tool create a line (atleast 2-3px big) on the side that divides the left and right section at #000000; change it’s blend mode to soft light. (it is indicated as the white line)


Final Results


Download the PSD

[vc_column width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [vc_cta_button title=”Download” href=” Box” color=”btn” size=”btn-large” icon=”none” target=”_self” position=”cta_align_right” call_text=”Product Box | 3.17 MB” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [/vc_column]

Tutorial by x–tenshii

And we are done! If you we’re able to create the final result of the tutorial without any problems then Good Job! Give yourself a pat on the back or something. Feel free to message me if you weren’t able to understand some of the steps.

– x–tenshii

Pages: 1 2 3 4

5 responses to “How to Create Your Own Product Mockup Box in Photoshop”

  1.  Avatar

    Thanks so much – this was really helpful!

  2. ROBERT Avatar

    Thanks for this tutorial :)

  3.  Avatar

    Thank you for your efforts you’re at level

  4. safri Avatar

    this great idea …for making my own mockup !!!! simple ,,,, just play in contrast :)

    like your photoshop tutorial

  5. Olivia Avatar

    I have always wanted to create my own mockups and this was a great tutorial on how to do a product box using smart objects. Thanks!

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