
Step 46

Create another line but change the color to #2c1b2c<


Step 47

Add this drop shadow


Step 48 Shoe strings

Now depending on whichever you prefer make your shoe string shapes in Photoshop or Illustrator. Grab your pen tool and start making your shoe laces.


Step 49

Add thses layer styles


Step 50

Create a new layer and with a small soft round brush #6e6e6e darken in the areas of the laces. Play around with different opacities too to get the right look.


Step 51

Create a new layer and highlight some of the areas with #ffffff change the Opacity of this layer to 74%


Step 52

It is best to place all of the files pertaining to shoe laces in a folder to keep it organized. Now create a new layer and with your Elliptical marquee tool and make a oval. Fill it with white


Step 53

Add a Drop Shadow


Step 54

Change the opacity of this layer to 53%. Create a new layer and with a small round brush #6e6e6e darken the edge of this shape


Step 55

Now create the rest of the laces and repeat the above steps


Step 56

Create a new layer and with a #5d5d5d 8px soft round brush paint inside the holes where the laces are. Just darken in those areas. Change this layer to Multiply with an Opacity of 72%


Step 57

Create a new layer and with a medium size soft round paint brush #5d5d5d darken the area on the tip of the shoe


Step 58

Create a new layer repeat the last step but use this color #6a506b with a Fill of 72%


Step 59

Now go back down to your ‘shoe’ layer (it should be underneath your pattern layer) and ‘convert it to a smart object’ and ‘rasterize it.’ Then take your burn tool and use a combination of Ranges and different size brushes to darken your shoe


Step 60

Now on your pattern layer go to Filter>Liquify and distort the pattern a bit. Brush size: 71 Brush Density: 100 Brush Pressure: 52 Brush Rate: 80


Step 61

Now take all of your layers pertaing to your converse shoe and put it in a folder. Duplicate this folder and ‘convert it to a smart object’ and ‘rasterize’ it. Change the Color overlay to black #ffffff. Next, blur it.


Step 62

Now we are done with the shoe and time for the text. The text that I will be using is called Channel. Type out ‘Chuck’

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2 responses to “How to Draw a Converse “Chuck Taylor” Shoe in Photoshop”

  1. Tatyana Avatar

    Awesome I love it so much :D

  2. maniraj Puthran Avatar
    maniraj Puthran

    so nice

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