
Change this layer to ‘Screen’


Step 13 Outline

Before we make the outline. Merge all of the petal layers together including the ‘Petal highlight and shadows’ (don’t include the ‘Flower Highlights 1 & 2). Create a New layer and name it ‘Outline’. Next create a selection from the layers you just merged.


Step 14 Stroke

Next go to Edit>Stroke and apply these settings


Step 15

Move the outline a couple of pixels to the right. Change this layer to Overlay with an Opacity of 77%


Step 16

For an added element I grabbed my Paint brush tool and used a soft px brush #e6d9b0 and painted in some more highlights. For this layer I changed it to luminosity.


Step 17 Part 2 – Second Flower

Now we are done with the first flower now it’s time to start the second one. Create a new document (same size canvas). Apply the same gardient for the background as previous stated with the first flower. This is what we will be making.


Step 18

Create a New group by cliking the folder icon above you layers and name this group ‘Purple Flower’. Inside of this new group create a new layer and name it ‘Petals’ Grab paint brush tool and select the flower brush that you downloaded prior to starting the tutorial. #af37a5


Step 19 Burn and Dodge Tool

Grab your burn and dodge tool (soft brush) and fill in the areas like I did in the image below. Continue this around the entire flower.


Step 20

Make a selection from your ‘Petals’ layer and contract it. Select>Modify>Contract by 19px. Make a new layer and grab a soft brush from your paint brush tool and fill in the areas like I did below. #FFFFFF


Change this layer to Soft Light.


Step 21

Create a New layer and on this layer make a Selection from your ‘Petals’ layer and contract it again by 34 px.


Step 22

Again grab your paint brush tool and paint in the areas like the image below color #e9d44b


Change this layer to Screen


Step 23

Create a new layer and place a circle in the middle of the flower using a soft round brush (71px, #e9d54b)


Step 24

Create a New layer and with a soft round brush add white to the tips, erase the areas that go beyond the petals.


Change this layer to Overlay.


Step 25 –

Repeat this step with a soft brush #FFFFFF but change this layer to Soft Light.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

One response to “How to Draw a Koi Fish in Photoshop”

  1. Roseanna Booth Avatar
    Roseanna Booth

    Where do you get your brushes?

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