
Modify the angle of the gradient to 0 degrees.


Step 56

Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) named “ball grey lines” and move it over the “down yellow details”. Make the outline of the ball by creating a path with the pen tool (P)


Create a stroke path with brush master diameter set to 2px and hardness 0%. Use grey (#e4e4e4).


Step 57

Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) named “ball dark grey lines” and move it over the “ball grey lines” layer. Make a stroke path of the shape created in the previous step with brush master diameter set to 2px and hardness 0%. Use dark grey (#b9b9b9).


Step 58

Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) named “ball line” and move it over the “ball dark grey lines” layer. Make the outline of the ball by creating a path with the pen tool (P).


Make a stroke the path with brush master diameter set to 2px and hardness 0%. Use black (#000000).


Step 59

Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) named “shadow” and move it over the “ball line” layer. Create the shape of the shadow with the pen tool (P).


Fill the shape with black (#000000) using the brush tool (B) with hardness set to 100%.


Step 60

Now everything is finished! Save your work using the Save As option in the File menu. Name the file “Step 60” and select the format as “PNG (*.PNG).


Final Results


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One response to “How to Draw a Lion Mascot in Photoshop”

  1. ananoy Avatar

    you really didn’t cover the actual illustration shown in the original in your tutorial.

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