
Step 33 – Create a bevel on the speaker

Create a new layer then use the Pen tool to add a 1 pixel black stroke like shown in the image below.


Use the Eraser tool (E) to erase around the edge to fade the stroke out.


Select the Lasso tool to create a selection like shown in the image below.


Switch to the Dodge tool (O) to add some highlights to the speaker.


Step 34 – Create the glass reflection

Create a new layer then rename it to “light”. This will hold the reflection for the iPhone. Creating the reflection is easy. Start by creating a selection like shown in the image below. It is easiest to do this using the Pen tool (P) then right clicking on the path and selecting Make Selection.


Select the Gradient tool (G) then apply the option bar settings shown in the image below.


Create a gradient from top to bottom to create a reflection like shown in the image below. It may take a few tries. Just undo (Ctrl+Z) and create the gradient again until you get it right.


Reduce the opacity of the current layer to 43%.


Step 35 – Create a reflection for the upper left area of the bevel

Create a new layer and name it “stroke 9”. Make a path like shown in the image below.


Create a 2 pixel white stroke.


Like before, use the Eraser tool to erase the edges so that the edges fade out. This is what your image should look like.


Step 36 – Create the iPhone home button

Select the “Base” layer then use the Elliptical Marquee tool (M) to create an oval like shown in the image below.


Select the Dodge tool (O) and dodge the right side of the button.


Create a new layer then name it “stroke10”. Right click on the selection then choose Stroke Path. Add a 1 pixel white stroke.


Reduce the opacity of the current layer to 5%.


Step 37 – Create the home button icon

Create a new layer then use the Rounded Rectangle tool (U) to create a white rounded rectangle like shown in the image below.


In the Layers palette (Window > Layers), set the Fill of this layer to 0%. The Fill setting is located underneath the Opacity setting. Now go to Layer > Layer Style > Stroke and apply the settings shown below:

  • Size: 2 px
  • Position Inside
  • Blend Mode: Normal
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Fill Type: Color
  • Color: White

Move the rectangle to the center of the home button then use the Warp tool (Edit > Transform > Warp) to distort it so that it fits into the home button. Reduce the opacity of the current layer to 49%.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2 responses to “How to Draw a Photorealistic iPhone 4 in Photoshop”

  1. Junaid Ali Tahir Avatar
    Junaid Ali Tahir

    I realy like your site and get what i looking for thank you very much.

    1.  Avatar

      thank yhu

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