
Step 38 – Add a shadow

Now we’ll create a shadow for the iPhone. Create a new layer then rename it to “shadow”. Position this layer below the base layer.


Select the Lasso tool (L) and create a selection like shown in the image below. Fill the selected area with black.


Choose Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. Apply the following settings:

  • Angle: 12°
  • Distance: 50 pixels

Choose Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the radius to 4 pixel.


Final Results

final big

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2 responses to “How to Draw a Photorealistic iPhone 4 in Photoshop”

  1. Junaid Ali Tahir Avatar
    Junaid Ali Tahir

    I realy like your site and get what i looking for thank you very much.

    1.  Avatar

      thank yhu

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