
Step 144

Block in the shadows on the “L” shaped building with color #EDB58E (same brush).


Step 145

Color the left outcropping with color #EDB58E (40% opacity).


Step 146

Block in the shadows on the white building with color #9CA1AE (35% opacity, soft-edged brush).


Step 147

Fill the top of the “L” shaped building with color #8D5A37.


Step 148

Ring the top of the area you just filled with color #FFF8E7.


Step 149

Finish the basic block-in by adding shadows the the middle right building with color #5C4431 (30% opacity).


Step 150

Use the same brush and color #7A7F8F add a cast shadow from the buildings to the right hand side of the bridge.


And you are done!

Final Results


Venice Part II HTML_html_m65b9327b Finish painting a venetian street. Learn how to recreate brick textures, plants, and tiled roofs.

Preview of Final Results

Venice Part II HTML_html_m5ecf24a7

Venetian Street Part II


Step 1

Select the front part of the middle right building (“Color Block” layer).

Venice Part II HTML_html_m3da6256d

Step 2

Apply a Texturizer filter to the section. Set the texture to “Brick”, the Scaling to 157%, and the Relief to 6.

Venice Part II HTML_html_m6c3f7233
Venice Part II HTML_html_m3c1b380

Step 3

Select the slanted side of the building. Copy and paste this selection onto a new, temporary layer.

Venice Part II HTML_html_592df7e2

Step 4

Use the Skew tool to turn the selection into a rectangle.

Venice Part II HTML_html_m19d5fec5

Step 5

Apply the same filter to the layer and skew the rectangle to match the building.

Venice Part II HTML_html_m28ad71ea

Step 6

Use steps 3-5 to texturize the far right building.

Venice Part II HTML_html_m3e10025f

Step 7

Make a new layer, “Detail” above all other layers.

Venice Part II HTML_html_58046585

Step 8

Turn the “Top Outline” layer off. Paint the top of the middle building balcony with color #FCF6E5 (75% opacity, 8 pixel hard-edged brush). Paint the bars between the bottom and the top bar with color #DFE0D0 (same brush, opaque).

Venice Part II HTML_html_1f4ee5a3

Step 9

Add shadows to the light green windows in the middle building with color #3B4841 (15% opacity, 10 pixel soft-edged brush).

Venice Part II HTML_html_m53a35c7

Step 10

Add shadows to the dark green windows with color #123139 (same brush).

Venice Part II HTML_html_m57d3406e

Step 11

Highlight the largest arch of the middle building with color #4B9E81 (40% opacity, 25 pixel soft-edged brush).

Venice Part II HTML_html_42683fc4

Step 12

Paint shadows in the rest of the middle arches with color #4B9E81 (same brush).

Venice Part II HTML_html_2d0feaa6

Step 13

Select the two sections of red roof and apply a brick texture. Set the Scaling to 66%, the Relief to 5, the Light Direction to Top Right, check the Invert box.

Venice Part II HTML_html_7c0bd11a
Venice Part II HTML_html_4e84bd3e

Step 14

Use the dodge tool (highlights mode, 44% exposure) to add vertical lines to both sections of roofs.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 responses to “How to Paint Venice in Photoshop”

  1. fabien Avatar

    Link is working for my computer

  2. saad Avatar

    can you give a new link to the photo please

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