With this tutorial, I am going to explain the process of painting which I have called, “The Imaginary House”. I will go into detail and show my working process and what tools I prefer to use. When you finish this tutorial, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of how to develop a concept sketch.
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“The Imaginary House” Painting Photoshop Tutorial
Step 1
First of all, Let’s open a new document (approximately 700wide and 826 high, around 72 dpi) and make a preliminary sketch. (Ctrl+N or File > New). For now it is in 72dpi, but after changing the resolution to 300dpi (without re-sampling image) you can able to print it on A3 format in pretty good quality
- Width: 1000px
- Height: 592px
- Resolution: 72.
- Color Mode: RGB Color; 8 bit
- Background Contents: White

Step 2
The hardest part with any environment or character illustration is coming up with the idea. I started sketching some ideas and quickly come up with this environment scene. Depending on the complexity of the task I am doing, I’ll make a number of different sketches. Now, here is the main sketch work which I draw.

Step 3
After finishing the the sketch, I set the sketch layer to “multiply. To open the Layers Palette if it isn’t already on your screen, press the F7 key at the top of your keyboard. Or you can open from Window/Layers

Step 4
Now to create a new layer, press Shift+Ctrl+N (Win) / Shift+Command+N (Mac). This will pop-up Photoshop’s New Layer dialog box where you can name the layer, as well as set some other options. I name the new layer as as “main color”
Step 5
Open a new layer and make a selection with a Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and after selecting the canvas choose the Paint Bucket Tool (G) fill the new layer with this new color. Now I must deselect the selected area. For this click on the Select and choose Deselect (Ctrl+D) option.

Step 6
The second step is here you to choose the main colors for you scene. And here are my colors for this illustration. As always I want to do something really colorful painting. I decided for background some blue colors and a little yellow . Other colors are for the environment. Open another file and save your colors. And always keep open that new file when you are painting.
3 responses to “Painting “The Imaginary House” in Adobe Photoshop”
Very useful tutorial, thanks a lot!
That is really nice !
Did you use mouse for drawing it? -
Wow!!! you are amazing, I am initiating scarcely in this process of the drawing and the painting in photoshop and have found in this tutorial the first step to paint ‘ My Imaginary House ‘ as well as all the ideas that I have in my imagination thanks to you … I am grateful for it to you.
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