Step 12
Sketch out the bottom half of the legs, and add triangles for the feet.

Step 13
Fill out the legs.

Step 14
Draw two little circle where the arms connect to the torso.

Step 15
Sketch in the right arm so that it goes back a little at the elbow, and comes up to rest on her shoulder.

Step 16
Draw the other arm frame using lines for the arm, triangles for the hands, and circles for joints

Step 17
Fill out the arms.

Step 18
Clean it up by erasing all the lines inside the outline.

Step 19
Make a new later for the dress outline.

Step 20
Start the dress with a single bejeweled strap. This dress is going to be a one-shoulder dress, with gold medallions on the shoulder strap.

Step 21
When drawing the neckline, remember that the dress is very “drapey”. It should drape several times across the chest.

Step 22
Draw in the midsection of the dress. This is where it is tightest, but you still want to add a fold or two along the outside of the dress.

Step 23
The bottom of the dress is loose, so their will be several “pleat” type folds.
Mae sure that the dress follows along with the right leg’s outline. This will make the dress look flowing.

Step 24
Outline a rope encircling her waist. To make the knot in the middle, make a kind of “ying-yang” shape, as though they are tied together.

Step 25
Make the lines look like a twisted rope by drawing little “seed” shapes back to back between the lines. These little seeds are elongated ovals with a slightly pointed side, and a rounded side opposite.

Step 26
Draw two dangling ropes hanging from the knot we drew before.

Step 27
Using a 3 pixel opaque brush, add swirling patterns to the medallions.

Step 28
New layer beneath the dress outline.

Step 29
Block in the dress with color #FFEBBF.

Step 30
Fill the little shoulder medallions with color #FFAE00.

Step 31
Use the burn tool on midtones mode (46% exposure) to add shadows to the medallion.

Step 32
Using the same settings as before, add shadows to the dress with the burn tool.

Step 33
Use dodge tool (highlights mode, 16% exposure) to highlight the dress.

Step 34
Block in the rope with color #9F58C4.

Step 35
Use the dodge tool and burn tool (like before) to add highlights and shadow to the rope that ties around her waist.
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