And we should have a red glow sweeping through.

Time for sparkles! We’ll go online and randomly download a sparkle brush, then dust the image with sparkles of various sizes for a little added detail.

Now let’s add in one last element of drama—great blinding rays! In the two color palettes to on the left of the workspace, choose white for one and gray for another. Then go to Filter -> Render -> Clouds and we should get something like this.

Then, go to Filter -> Blur -> Radial Blur. Set the Amount to its 100 maximum and the Blur Method to Zoom. Then adjust the direction of the blur so that its epicentre comes from the location of the sun that we draw in earlier and press OK.

And we’ll get a motion like this.

Final Step

Set the layer to Overlay and its Opacity to 70%. All of the black in the image will disappear and we will have dramatic shooting rays of light!

I’m going to sneak in my watermark because I’ve spent way too long on this image for some person to steal it and pass it off as their own (you might want to do the same) and WE’RE DONE!!!

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