Add a mask to this layer to remove the hard edges on both sides, leaving the fish part visible mostly on the forehead.

Step 19
Create a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer (set as Clipping Mask) and bring the Saturation values down to – 92:

Make a Color Balance adjustment layer and change the Midtones settings:

Add a Curves adjustment layer to darken both sides of this fish part. On this layer mask, use a soft black brush to erase the middle to keep its lightness.

Step 20
Open the fish 3 image and take the fin on its back to add to the right of the model’s head (from the viewer) and place it below the fish 1 ‘s fin one. Use Ctrl+T with the Warp mode to rotate and tweak this part as shown below:

Add a mask to this layer to blend this part with the face.

Step 21
Duplicate this layer and flip horizontally. Move it to another side of the face and refine the mask to make it look a bit different from the first one.

Step 22
Create a group for these fin layers and add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer within this group. Alter the Master settings:

Make a Color Balance adjustment layer and change the Midtones values:

Create a Curves adjustment to darken the fins. On this layer mask, paint on some details on the fins to reveal the lightness there.

Step 23
Open the fish 4 image and use the Quick Selection Tool to select the upper fin on the left side of the fish to add to the model ‘s forehead. Use Ctrl+T with the Warp mode to bend this part a bit.

Duplicate this layer and flip it horizontally and move it to another side of the forehead.

Step 24
Duplicate this layer and place it onto the left eye of the model (from the viewer). Use Ctrl+T with the Warp mode to resize it to be smaller and tweak it to fit the form of the eye.

Duplicate this layer and flip horizontally and move it to another eye. Use Ctrl+T with the Warp mode to change the form of this part to be a bit different from the first one.

Add a mask to each of these two layers and use a soft black brush to blend the top of the fins with the eyes.

Step 25
Create a group for the fin layers in the step 23, 24 and make a Color Balance adjustment layer to change the color of the fins.
2 responses to “How to Create a Fantasy Sea Woman Portrait Photo Manipulation with Adobe Photoshop”
Beautiful thank you
Muchas gracias por el tutorial y el Psd. ES un excelente y magnifico trabajo que has realizado y hermoso resultado, excelente. Felicidades, enhorabuena.
Thank you very much for the tutorial and the Psd. It is an excellent and magnificent job that you have done and a beautiful result, excellent. Congratulations, congratulations.
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