
Here is what we should have so far:


Step 5

Proceed to alter the color of the cloud by giving it a new adjustment layer above the cloud layer. To do this purpose, go to layer > new adjustment layer > hue/saturation:


Here is the result.


Step 6

Give another new adjustment layer above the hue/saturation layer. This time we will give brightness/contrast as the one given in the screenshot below:


Here is what we will have as the result..


Step 7

I assumed that the light source will come from the upper centered part of the cloud. We will mask the effect of the adjustment layers created before to create the light source.


Select the two adjustment layers and hit ctrl+G to group them into one folder. I named this folder ‘adjustment for the cloud’. Give this folder a layer mask. Take a very soft round brush and mask the areas where the light source will come from.


Here is the result after masking.


Step 8

Next, we will add some highlight and shadow for the scene. Firstly select the BG layer to activate it. With the BG layer activated, hit Shift+Ctrl+N to create a new layer. On the new layer option box, give the name of this new layer (I named this layer shadow and highlight). Make sure to check ‘use previous layer to create a clipping mask’ to give this new layer a clipping mask. Set the blending to overlay and fill it with neutral color of 50% gray.


Here is the result we should have.


Step 9

To give the highlight for the scene, firstly we will activate the dodge tool. Set the tool as shown in the option bar below: choose a very soft round brush at size of about 500 pixels, set its range to highlight and exposure of about 10%.


On the shadow and highlight layer, start stroking the dodge to give some highlight for the scene. Here is the result I created set in normal blending and the result set in overlay at 100% opacity.


Proceed to give some shadow for the scene. To achieve this, activate the burn tool and set the tool as shown in the option bar below.


Stoke the burn tool to some areas where needed to give some shadow. Here is the result I created for our inspiration:

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

20 responses to “The Grim Reapers Side Job”

  1.  Avatar

    this is a terrible tutorial a lot of stuff you need past experience to know where it is and if you dont it takes 4 other tutorials to do. die

  2. help Avatar

    Step 8 what is clipping mask for?

  3. tania Avatar

    Good tutorial I learned a lot thanks!

  4. Myn Avatar

    Why i can’t look full tutorial?

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      Click on page 2

  5. Nobel Avatar

    Great. Thank you very very much!

  6. Harry Avatar

    Wow … it’s so elaborate with each steps perfectly depicted with screen shots… it’s a great job… really like the image transformation with perfect use of layer mask, adjustment layer, blur, transform, wrap, curves, hue saturation and a lot. Excellent

  7. Optical Overlays Avatar
    Optical Overlays

    Awesome! :)

  8. Bright Elo Avatar
    Bright Elo

    Its been a while.

    1. Optical Overlays Avatar
      Optical Overlays

      So nice!

  9. vipin Avatar

    you help me to create with a good idea

  10. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Great, thanks for all the helpful info!

  11. elakkiya Avatar


  12. Bassam Avatar

    Excellent Tut

  13. Andy Avatar

    Thank you very much for sharing the tutorial.

  14. Daniel Avatar

    Good it is very good tutorial THX

  15. JAWAD Avatar


  16. Toby Avatar

    I like the tutorial but it is very dark for Christmas.

  17. yeyi Avatar

    Does anyone have extra photoshop subscriptions I can have?

    1.  Avatar


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