Step 52

Double click the leaves layers which are on the road, choose Drop Shadow. Set the color of shadow to black to have the shadow of these leaves on the road.

Step 53

Create a group for the leaves and make a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to desaturate the ones around the road’s end. Paint on the rest of the leaves to keep their color.

Add another Hue/Saturationadjustment layer and later the Mastervalues Use its layer mask to show the change of the color of the leaves to fit the trees’ one.

Make a Curves adjustment layer to darken the right of the leaves. Paint on the rest so they won’t be or less be darkened by this adjustment layer.

Create another Curvesadjustment layer to brighten the right of the leaves. The selected areas show where to paint on the layer mask.

Step 54

Create a Gradient Mapadjustment layer on top of the layers and pick the colors #290a59and #ff7c00. Lower the opacity of this layer to 20%.

Make another Gradient Mapadjustment layer and pick the colors #2f0101and #8ab3b0. Change this layer mode to Soft Light 100%.

Add a Color Fill layer and pick the color #220101. Change this layer mode to Exclusion 100%.

Step 55

Create a Color Balanceadjustment layer and change the Midtones and Highlightssettings:

Make a Curvesadjustment layer to darken the edges of the canvas. Paint on the middle section to reveal the light and make a nice contrast for the whole scene.

Final Result

Download the PSD

Road Photo

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6 responses to “How to Create a Conceptual of Life Photo Manipulation with Photoshop”

  1. Sidra Graphics Avatar
    Sidra Graphics

    Nice step by step Tutorial.

  2. sara Avatar

    so imformative

  3. Noname Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your methods! I didn’t follow the tutorial but I looked at your steps and it helped me understand how it’s done.

  4. Enyinna Samuel Emmanuel Avatar
    Enyinna Samuel Emmanuel

    Very insightful! Thanks.

  5. Su Hall Avatar
    Su Hall

    WONDERFUL!! Thank you!

  6. Vedika khurana Avatar
    Vedika khurana

    It was so wonderful totally loved it 😊

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