Sample new sources as much as you need. Do the same along the edge to blend both images together.
Keep repeating this step until your blending looks something like this:

Step 5

Select all your layers and merge them together.(Ctrl+E)You can duplicate them and save them for later if you wish to have a backup before merging them. We need to flatten these layers to a single one because we are going to distort it to make the weird-looking perspective effect. Once you have your layers merged, go to Edit>Transform>Warp and curve the image like in the example below:
Try and experiment while doing this, it might need some time to get the desired result well done.

Step 6

All the Warping can leave some white spots and some bad blending between the images so we need to fix that. Using the pen tool(P) or the Lasso Tool (L) draw a selection of the parts that need to be filled or blended. Use a feather of about 5 pixels on the selections to make the blending process easier. As you can see in the image below we need to fill some parts of the sand and sky. First, we need to do a selection on the sand part like shown below:
Create a new layer on top of the warped desert layer and go back to the Cloning stamp tool. We are going to use the same settings but this time we need the brush to be at 100% opacity. Just like we did on step 4, sample parts of the desert to clone on the empty areas.
Don’t use any feather on the selections whenever there is a sharp edge to fill like in the example below:
Watch out for any borders and bad blending:
The sky are can be a little bit tricky because of the contrasting shade of colors, Try to sample colors that are right next to the spot you need to fill and to this several times to get an even blending.

Step 7

Now we are going to add some vignetting to enhance the focal point that will be the statue in the middle. Create a new layer on top of all the desert layers and Select black as your foreground color. Grab a large round brush with 0% hardness, set to 40% opacity and brush along the edges of the canvas like in the example:

Pages: 1 2 3 4

13 responses to “How to Create a Dramatic Fisheye Spartan Scene with Photoshop”

  1. Vector Designs Avatar
    Vector Designs

    Worlds best super fan

  2. Pragyan Prakash Avatar
    Pragyan Prakash

    have you posted this on youtube channel? if not plz do most of us are waiting for that.

    1. Vector Designs Avatar
      Vector Designs

      absolutely couldnt agree more :D

  3. vendle Avatar

    You can do so much with layer mask. This is a great tutorial that you can learn a lot from. By looking at the end result, I would not have made it there without the steps you provided.

  4. PhotoTrims Avatar

    Talented !! No doubt about it this is awesome.

  5. steve Avatar

    Really like the finished image.

  6. Raghavendra Avatar

    really nice! thank you very much.

  7. RobbCobb Avatar

    Thanks, that was pretty cool!

  8. kishore Avatar

    nice tutorial

  9. Juggy Avatar


  10. Joy Avatar

    Thank you!

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