Step 22
Add two layers and use a small soft brush with the color #d1d9ddto paint a highlight on the deer’s body, head, and horns. Change these layers mode to Overlay 100%.

Step 23
Add a new layer and use the same brush to paint more light around the deer’s head. Alter this layer mode to Soft Light 100%.
Step 24
Create two layers anduse the same brush but increase its size to paint glowing light around the deer. Change the first layer mode to Overlay 100%and the second to Soft Light 100%. Use a layer mask on each of these layers to refine any unwanted details.

Step 25
Make a new layer, and a small brush with the color #648da0 to paint some tiny darker details on the horns.

Step 26
Isolate the leaves from the background and take different leaves to add to the deer’s horns and around the scene. Use theFree Transform Tool (Ctrl+T) with the Warpmode tomake the leaves appear different.
Step 27
Add more bigger leaves to the scene, especially the edges and on each of these layers, go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blurand set the radius to 4 pxor 8 px(it depends on the distance from the viewer to the leaves to create a depth for the whole scene).
Step 28
Select all of the leaf layers and hit Ctrl+Gto make a group for them. Change the group’s mode to Normal 100%and make a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer within this group to change the leaves’ color:
Step 29
Create a Curvesadjustment layer to brighten the leaves. On this layer mask, paint on the hidden side of the leaves or any details you feel too bright.

Step 30
Create a Vibranceadjustment layer to enhance the color of the leaves. On this layer mask, paint on the leaves on the horns and some leaves around to remove the effect there.

Step 31
Add a mask to the leaves group and use a soft black brush with a lowered opacity (about 20-30%) to reduce the visibility of some leaves to increase the distance and depth of the scene.

Step 32
Create a new layer on top of the layers and use a soft brush with the color #89c2e2 to paint on the top middle of the background. Change this layer mode toSoft Light 100%.2 responses to “How to Create a Fantasy Deer Photo Manipulation With Adobe Photoshop”
This is nice! Different! Thank you!
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