Step 33

Make a new layer and use the same brush to paint on this area again and alter the layer mode to Overlay 100%.

Step 34

Add a new layer and use a soft brush with the color #bdd3e0to paint around the top of the deer. Change this layer mode toSoft Light 100%.

Step 35

On a new layer, use the same brush to paint on the middle of the water surface to make it brighter. Alter the layer mode to Soft Light 100%and use a layer mask to remove the light on the ground and the deer.

Step 36

Use the same brush to paint above the deer’s horns and change this layer mode to Overlay 100%.

Step 37

Continue using the same brush to paint more light around the both sides of the forest. Alter the layer mode to Soft Light 100%.

Step 38

Use this brush again to strentgthen the light effect around the deer and on the water. Change this layer mode to Soft Light 100%.

Step 39

Use the same brush on a new layer but reduce the size to paint the light reflection on the details of the environment around the deer. Change this layer mode to Overlay 100%.

Step 40

Create a Selective Coloradjustment layer to give the shadow areas and details a bit red.

Final Result

Download the PSD


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2 responses to “How to Create a Fantasy Deer Photo Manipulation With Adobe Photoshop”

  1. Sidra Avatar


  2. Su Hall Avatar
    Su Hall

    This is nice! Different! Thank you!

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