Step 12

Press Ctrl + C to copy the selection and Ctrl + V to paste it into our document. You can see that it looks yellow and a bit dark. We will correct this in the next step.

Step 13

Press Ctrl + Shift + U to desaturate the splash. This will get rid of the ugly yellow color. Still, the image look pretty gray. To increase the luminosity and contrast let’s use a Curves Adjustment. We won’t use adjustments layers for this because we will have a lot of water splashes and the multitude of clipped adjustments layer will clutter the document without offering a real advantage. I am all for non-destructive editing and I usually use adjustment layers as much as possible but sometimes a good old simple Curve will do just fine. So choose Image > Adjustments > Curves and drag the curve upwards to increase the lightness. Also drag the right slider a little towards the left to increase contrast. You can see that the splash it is already looking better.

Step 14

Now it’s time to position the water splash. Press Ctrl + T and rotate the splash to match the picture below and press Enter.

Step 15

If you will take a closer look at the splash you will notice some unwanted pixels from our Color Range selection. To get rid of them we will use a layer mask.

Step 16

Choose Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All to add a layer mask. I strongly advise you to assign a keyboard shortcut to this very useful command so you can have at you fingertips all the time. Choose a round black soft brush tool and paint in the layer mask the highlighted areas from above and any other unwanted residual pixels. Also if you have any straight lines try to paint over them so the image doesn’t look fake. Now the splash look nice and tidy.

Step 17

I will not repeat all the steps above for each water splash – this will take a lot of useless writing. Instead I will only show you the placement of each water splash. If you will follow the recipe from the above steps you should be fine. To recap:

  • Use Color Range to select the water splash.
  • Paste the water splash into our document.
  • Desaturate and apply a Curves adjustment to lighten it up.
  • Position the splash using Free Transform (Ctrl + T).
  • Use a layer mask to get rid of unwanted pixels or obvious lines.

Step 18

Let’s make the back of the horse. Place “Water Splash 3” like shown below

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

18 responses to “How to Create an Awesome See-Through Water Horse in Photoshop”

  1. AAAAA Avatar

    How make seethrough clothes on people? In Photoshop CC

    1.  Avatar

      Edit > Content-Aware Remove. Enable AI option. Viola clothes removed.

  2. Bestonlinegamesnews Avatar

    Valuable Post

  3. Bestonlinegamesnews Avatar


  4. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Now that’s some amazing, funny and beautiful work, loving it!

  5. Scott Avatar

    Awesome. Very thankful! Learned much more than creating a beautiful image. Finding water splashes for my own image forced me to learn curves, color balance, and other PS tools by following your instructions. Just awesome, cut down my learning curve greatly.
    Just transitioning from PSE to CS6, thank you again.

  6. jorge miranda Avatar
    jorge miranda

    o meu muito obrigado, por estares ai desse lado passando essas técnicas e ensinando.podes crer que já aprendi muito..
    continua, teu trabalho esta espectacular…….

  7. yayadu Avatar

    so nice thank you

    1. Aidan Avatar

      Please dont be so rude

  8. xavi sole Avatar
    xavi sole


  9. Rohit Avatar

    so… nice i really like it thanks adrian

    1.  Avatar


  10. Sierrra Avatar

    I don’t get this desgin. It doesnt work/make sense

  11. Mankrikscow Avatar

    very nice and i’d really like to make this, but I think you posted one link of the stock images twice. I also can’t seem to get the ‘watery’ effect on the splashes I plaste on the horse. Could it be because i’m working in Photoshop Cs 3? thanks!

  12. Stark Avatar

    I dont get it…

    1. kristina Avatar

      me eithaaaaaaa

  13. hamid safa Avatar
    hamid safa

    so nice ♥♥♥♥♥

  14. vilma Avatar

    Very cool effect but the shadows are too fake. And it would look better on a different photo

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