Blend mode change to Hard Light with Opacity 90%.

Step 8
Next, open a Turtleand use a Quick Selection Tool, set to 70px, Hardness to 100% and Spacing to 25%. Hold left click and mark slowly. If you do not mark well, press ALT + LEFT Click and correct. Repeat the same procedure several times. There are more ways to select, but I chose this one because it is the simplest, you can choose Pen Tool, Brush Tool, Magic Wand Tool or some other tool. For this picture, Quick Selection Tool is the simplest.

In this step we only change the Blend Mode to Hard Light , the opacity will be 100%.

Step 9
Now let’s add some light, Create a new layer and change Blend mode to Overlay with Opacity 57%. Activate the Clipping Mask use Brush Tool (B). A light source is one of the most basic techniques without which an image would not look realistic.

Select the Round Brush Tool and set the size between 1000-1500px, Hardness to 0%. Set foreground color to white at the edges where there should be light, see the image below. If it’s easier for you, you can eventually activate the Chipping Mask (depends on yours). Select Layer > Right Click > Clipping Mask.

Step 10
We’ll make three more layers with different light sources. The procedure is the same as in the previous step, it is just Blend mode and can be perceived differently. For the last layer we set Blend mode to Overlay with an opacity of 25%.

It should look like this

Step 11
In this step we add some colors to look realistic. Create new Adjustment layer “Gradient Map”.

We now delete some area, Again use Soft Round Brush Tool (B) with Foreground Black. Click on Brush Tool panel and change Opacity to 50% and Flow to 60%. Click on Gradient Map layer mask and start painting.

Blend Mode change to Darken , Opacity set to 75%.
Step 12
Next, create Adjustment Layer “Solid Color”.Blend Mode to Soft Light and Opacity to 25%

Step 13
For last step go to File> Place and add Lens Flareand chamge pale mode to Screen with Opacity to 45%. Add a layer mask and use a round soft brush to hide the hard edges by painting over them in the layer mask with black.
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