Step 45
Let’s add some butterflies in our scene to make it look more idyllic. Open the file “Butterfly” and copy/paste it in our scene. Duplicate the butterfly a couple of times and resize the copies to make it look like there are more butterflies.
Step 46
Shift click on each of the butterflies and press Ctrl + G to put them in a group. Lower the opacity of the group to 55% to blend the butterflies with the environment and make their wings look translucent.
Step 47
Open the file “Snake” and copy/paste in our scene. Place the snake near the stairs as shown below.
Step 48
The snake has different colors than our scene. Let’s correct that by adding a clipped Curves Adjustment Layer and using the settings shown below.
Step 49
Create a new layer and change the blending mode to Overlay. Clip this layer to the snake layer (alt-click between the two layers) and with a round soft brush at 10% paint some basic shading on the snake (highlights on the top of the snake and shadows on the sides).
Step 50
Create a new layer below the snake and paint some shadow.
Step 51
Now let’s add some overall lighting to our scene. Create a new layer and change the blending mode to Overlay. With the round soft brush at 10% opacity paint with white and black in the areas indicated below.
Step 52
Create another new layer and change the blending mode to Overlay. Paint with white on the areas indicated below to add some specular highlights to our characters.
Step 53
It’s time for the final effects. Create a new layer from all the visible layers (Ctrl + Shift + Alt +E) and convert it into a smart object. Add an Unsharp mask effect (Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask) to the smart object with the settings shown below to sharpen our scene.
Step 54
Add another Unsharp mask effect (Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask ) with the settings shown below not to sharpen the image but to increase the contrast.
Step 55
Finally add a Gaussian Blur effect to the smart object (Filter > Blur >Gaussian Blur) and change the blending mode of this filter to blending mode (click on the little arrows sign indicated below to open the blending options).17 responses to “How to Create This Eerie Floating Island Photo Manipulation in Photoshop”
Wonderful tutorial, thank you so much for sharing it
Its a very useful tutorial for all. Thank you
bro, this looks like ass!
The concept is nice, but the shadows are totally wrong. The illuminated side of the tree is on the opposite side of the light source, i.e. the sun, which is located on the left side. The shadows are placed as if the light is coming from the back, instead of the left side. Look at the tree, meerkat and baby shadow. The farmer’s shadow is correct and all the elements shadows should follow the same direction. Also, they should have placed some roots in the bottom of the tree to give the artwork more realism and the hole in the ground should have grass in its edge.
It would look more realistic if it was used a grass brush around the edge of the hole and the island. The edge is too sharp.
The hole in the ground and the island could look more realistic if it was used a grass brush around the edge to make not to look so sharp.
That is Great, Thank you very much. But please I will like to download it if is possible.
This is a very good tutorial. I worked with it to make a birthday card for my mother in law – she will get a helper in her garden from us. But I am a little sad because the page with the download zip can not be find. But thank you for sharing this tutorial anyway
Sorry about that – link has been fixed.
Great tutorial, Johan.
Larry, this is a great page to pick up some PS pointers!
Thanks for thinking of me, your a swell guy… many thanks!!!
hi thank u ,i like to know all about it please send to me ,how i can learn it ?nice to me
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