
Now change this layer’s blending mode to Luminosity and lower down the opacity to about 30%. Additionally you can make a 3px high selection above the stitches and fill it with white gradient, then change this newly created gradient’s layer to 20-30% in opacity and blending mode to Overlay.


Now copy both layer’s and place them one by another. See the result:


The same way I made those small ribbons on left and right side of layout, I just cut their shapes a bit and added different shadow. And this time I also added my sketches to the design.


Step 13 – footer

Let’s head to make some footer, it’s pretty easy step. As I said I’ve added architectural sketch previously.


We will make three separate columns here. Firstly let’s distribute the column titles. Also add to them some white shadow as a layer style- we will reproduce it with CSS styles. Color of font is #757471. Previously I’ve made some calculations, but here in a layout (which is actually a sketch) we don’t have to be perfect (as far as we are doing design for ourselves). All the mathematic will be in CSS later.


Then leave a bit of space, like 30px, and just type the text you want to appear there. Well, I think I don’t have to show you how to type text. You can add guides to help you arrange everything straight.


We will have a bit of work later in design because of three columns, but here, on design process I kept it simple.

Step 14 – funky border

Well, this part is also pretty easy. We will do only 6 layers here. Pick brush tool with white color, 1px in size and make a doodle as mine below. Notice the beginning and end of doodle.


Then go to Edit > Transform > Scale and make it very, very thin so it will have about 3-4px.


Then move it to the upper border.


Repeat this step for all the edges, but on the header use white lines, while on paper texture- black. Here you have some close-ups.


Step 15 – blog post / sidebar

With type tool add the blog post title, meta information’s and content. Remember to leave some space for comments counter. Also follow the tips on the image (red color). I used advent pro and Arial fonts.

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2 responses to “Complete Guide to Creating a Blog Website Layout”

  1. android development in chennai Avatar
    android development in chennai

    awesome post!
    thanks for sharing..

  2. Carl Avatar

    Dzięki za tutka. Muszę przyznać że fajnie wygląda ale przy 8 latach doświadczenia wszystko można zrobić :)


    Czemu mnie nie dziwi że w komentarzach pojawia się flame ? ;d

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