
Duplicate this layer few times and scale some up, some down. Set opacity to 8% with Normal blending mode. Also set fill to 0%. Then right click on the layer and go to Blending options where you will add 1px inside stroke with color #ffc4ea. Here how it should looks like.


Step 10 – Color corrections

Now we will make some hardcore corrections. We will add a more vivid to the header. Everything is in clipping mask, so it doesn’t affect the whole document- just header. Click the semi-black icon in bottom part of layer’s window (so you will create adjustment layer) and choose color balance.


Then choose the settings as below:


Create a new adjustment layer, but this time instead of color balance choose Exposure and just change the Gamma to 0,81. Add another Exposure layer, but this time change Exposure to +0,44 and Gamma to 0,94.


In the end add another adjustment layer of Brightness/Contrast and apply these settings:


I’m giving you hard-typed values for color corrections. You can of course (and it is even better) play with your own settings. Thanks to this you will learn how they work. Here is the end of layers that are clipped to the header.

Step 11 – Final header touch

Find our base shape layer (that really, really big white rectangle) and duplicate it, then move this layer above all the layer in header (don’t clip it as a clipping mask).


Right click on this layer and choose Blending options, then apply these settings:


With Rectangle tool make a black shape on the header from upper guide to the top and change its opacity to 60% and blending mode to soft light.


Grab the Type tool and with Paranoid font (see resources) type your title. Instead of it you can place your logo here. I’ve added few effects to my title, but actually everything bases on two layers (first: white text, opacity 13%, normal; second: white text, opacity 100%, overlay). See the PSD file for reference.

Pick the color #170b15 and create a rectangle shape between selected guides. Height doesn’t matter for we can easily modify it with Edit > Transform > Scale. Then lower down opacity to 40%.

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2 responses to “Complete Guide to Creating a Blog Website Layout”

  1. android development in chennai Avatar
    android development in chennai

    awesome post!
    thanks for sharing..

  2. Carl Avatar

    Dzięki za tutka. Muszę przyznać że fajnie wygląda ale przy 8 latach doświadczenia wszystko można zrobić :)


    Czemu mnie nie dziwi że w komentarzach pojawia się flame ? ;d

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