
Before you continue, check according to the image above if you have done the previous step correctly until now. If so, then great! You can continue! But if not, then find what you have done wrong and fix it.

Let’s continue! Show the group Title. Click Cmd/Ctrl + T to Free Transform the group. On the top left you will see this bar:


Change the X and Y values to the same as shown on the image above. Now show the “Made By” group.


Change the X and Y values to the same as shown on the image above. And finally! Show the copyright layer and horizontally align it to the left guide. Then, vertically align it to the center of the area between the bottom border of the document and the bottom guide.

Final Results


Authors Comment

profileI am an Israeli kid who enjoys designing stuff. I had lots of fun writing this tutorial and I thank you for reading it! Hope you had fun and learned new techniques.

– Ofek Deitch

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