
Style this selection as a front page. I mean- fill it with orange and add some gradients. Now the three pages look like this:


Make some heading. The point here is that I want to mix up two colors.


Now get the Pen tool and make a shape that will fit the orange area. Don’t care about the color.


Pick the Type tool and move your mouse above the shape. Notice that the cursor has actually changed. If you will move it to the shape’s border it will have additional line. After clicking you will have a possibility to write text around the shape. Inside the shape cursor will have an additional circle. After clicking your typing boundary will limit to the boundary of shape. So, click inside the shape- that’s the place for ‘about us’ info. It could be shorten or longer- here I will enclose to the simple Lorem ipsum.


The mostly real preview of final print you will get with the zoom value of something like 33%. Have this in mind while you will try to choose the best font size. After the typing of text you can simply hide or delete our shape (actually, you can make just a path instead a shape, but I wanted to show it clearly). You can also justify the whole text to make it fit better to the shape, but then avoid huge spaces between text (You can instead use Justify last left/center/right).


Below text you can place some image, chart, offer, history line or so. It vary and depends mostly on client and your creativity.


Few minutes and our outer part of brochure is ready. Just save it and close for now. Later I will show you how to save this document for print and how to prepare a simple mock-ups.

Step 9 – Pages: 2, 3 and 4

Open up earlier prepared inside.psd file. Here we will create the whole content within one breath. I don’t want pay too much attention to the design and content for it is really, really dependant on client and brochure’s purpose. Thus I won’t describe every little action for it is quite nonsense, just main things and tips. All right, fill all of the documents area with orange color and style it with gradients as before we did with Page 1 and 5. It is also a good idea to add just a bit of noise to the gradients. Thanks to this you will avoid the color bounding.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

27 responses to “How to Create Brochure Mockups in Photoshop”

  1. Linda Sturling Avatar
    Linda Sturling

    Thank you so much. This is an excellent tutorial. You’re awesome! I hope your New Year is great! :)

  2. Das Avatar

    Nice work

  3. Cagel Avatar

    great stuff! thanks…

  4. Karren Barlow Avatar
    Karren Barlow

    Thanks for the info!

  5. Karren Barlow Avatar
    Karren Barlow

    Great article!

  6. Sovatana Avatar

    Thank you so much for this!

  7. Karren Barlow Avatar
    Karren Barlow

    Great info!

  8.  Avatar

    not clear

  9. Alejandro Yuca Avatar
    Alejandro Yuca

    Tutorial was confusing and unclear,You really have to find simpler ways of explaining things to people. Thanks for the information though.

  10. abhimanyu Avatar

    Thank you bro .. U are realy great. Thanks for helping me a lot.

  11. mukesh Avatar

    This really helped me . Thanks a bunch. I made a creating brochure present please.

  12. Landon R Avatar
    Landon R

    Fascinating. It seems like most Adobe users would naturally choose InDesign over Photoshop for something like this, since that’s essentially what InDesign is made for. But this is a very thorough tutorial for hardcore Photoshop users!

  13. Petya Avatar

    It’s great! Thanks a lot!

  14. Kay-yep Avatar

    Really helpful and inspiring ! I learnt a lot~thank you !

  15. sam Avatar

    amazing tutorial.
    keep up the good work.

    love it

  16. kinjal Avatar

    very important and very useful information.. i m a web graphic designer and didn’t have knowledge about printing graphics and bleed and safety margin etc etc.. this is very useful to me.. thanks keep it up. please refer font size information on business card that what should be font size in photoshop and in illustrator.. etc etcc thankkss please mail me.

    1. Das Avatar

      nice Great Work …

  17. chandra Avatar

    Thanks for sharing such a great information about print design

  18. J Avatar

    I’m sure this tutorial is great for beginners, but the title is very confusing. I thought this was about making the mock-ups not the whole brochure and just tell us to download your finished mock-up psd file.

    1. b Avatar

      That’s what I also thought. I guess that we won’t find any tutorial on how to make a mock-up template soon. :|

  19. wiizau Avatar

    tq for the efforts… dont stop creating guides..:-)

  20.  Avatar

    Thank You very Much…its help me a big time..

  21. fa Avatar

    thanks a lot. :)

  22. mike Avatar

    This really helped me out. Thanks a bunch. I made a great 3 fold for my business. I tweaked some stuff to make it my own, but it was very helpful to utilize the file you posted as an outline.

  23. sashacarey Avatar

    i learn more form here. and this web.

  24. gaumaran Avatar

    not clear

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