Step 11: Add a Levels adjustment layer

In the layers pallet, click on the new adjustment layer icon and select Levels.

Step 12: Adjust the fog intensity

The Levels tool should appear. This tool will let us adjust the thickness of the fog. To do this, drag the middle input slider towards the right to decrease the fog or towards the left to increase the fog. Click OK when you’re done.

Final Results

Original Image

Fog Photoshop Tutorial

Fog Photoshop Tutorial

Pages: 1 2

11 responses to “Fog”

  1. Rosalie Avatar

    Wonderful tutorial! Thank you so much!

  2. WY Avatar

    It worked perfectly and was exactly what I needed, thank you so much!!

  3. elaine Avatar

    great effect thank you

  4. virati sanghavi Avatar
    virati sanghavi

    very nice tutorial i like it
    thank you so much……….

  5. Stanley Avatar

    I appreciate your demonstration. Can you please tell me why your Gradient Tool started from the middle of the photo, but not from the top?


  6.  Avatar

    I appreciated your wonderful demonstration. But Can you please let me know why the Gradient Tool started from the middle of the photo, but not from the top?

  7.  Avatar


  8. Yuri W. B. Avatar
    Yuri W. B.

    Thanks! Easy and useful…

    1.  Avatar

      where did this picture was took

  9. Javier22 Avatar

    Thank you, very useful.

  10. Carl Casterline Avatar
    Carl Casterline


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