Basicaly you want to have visible only mist on the stairs.


On the following image you can see how your photo manipulation should look like after this step.


Step 13 – Adding Fractal in Front of Girl

Download fractal3.png listed in the beginning of the tutorial and drag it into your photo manipulation. Place it on the top of all layers and name it FRACTAL 3.

Make sure FRACTAL 3 is placed in front of the girl. This way she looks like she belongs better to the scene. Let´s take a look at the following image to compare how your photo manipulation looks before and after this step.


Step 14 – Changing Lights and Shadows

In this step you´ll focus on creating more interesting light scene.

Add new empty layer on the top of all layers and name it SHADOWS. Change its Blending Mode from Normal to Soft Light.


Grab the Brush Tool (B). Select some soft round brush and lower its Opacity on 10%. Pick white color and paint over the areas which are highlighted with cyan color on the following image.


After you´re done pick black color and paint over the areas highlighted on the image below.


Step 15 – More Light

In this step you´ll add more blue light to the center of the image to create more depth.

Add new empty layer to the top of all layers and change its Blending Mode from Normal to Soft Light. Name this new layer LIGHT.

Grab the Brush Tool (B). Select some soft round brush and set its Opacity on 25%. Pick some bright cyan color. I used #2de3bf.

Now simply paint big dot in the center of the image. Take a look at the image below to see where you should paint.


Step 16 – Adding Contrast

In this step you´ll focus on increasing contrast of your photo manipulation. To do that you´ll use two adjustment layers Curves.

Add new adjustment layer Curves on the top of all layers and set the curve as on the image below.


Add second adjustment layer Curves on the top of all layers and set the curve similarly as on the following image.


On this image you can compare how each adjustment affects your photo manipulation.


Step 17 – Color Adjustments

In this final step you´ll add colder tones to your photo manipulation and desaturate it slightly.

To adjust colors add new adjustment layer Color Balance on the top of all layers and set the values as you can see on the following image.

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9 responses to “Add Fractals to Create Dreamy Photo Manipulations”

  1.  Avatar

    Turned out beautifully!! Thank you I enjoyed doing this one

  2.  Avatar


  3. irina Avatar


  4. Sammyas Avatar

    Happy you’re back again, for I learned a lot from your tutorials.
    Great work

  5. Darshan Gajara Avatar
    Darshan Gajara

    Superbly done, Jarka.

  6. Babak Avatar

    Great Tutorial,Dear Jarka.
    like it.

  7. Annette Avatar

    very inspiring and easy to follow ,lovely pictures – thank you

  8. huyenchauthuc Avatar

    Thank you very much!

  9. Vijayashri Avatar

    Simply cute and sweet ?

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