To lower its saturation add new adjutment layer Hue/Saturation on the top of all layers and set the value Saturation on – 10.

Final Results

Download the PSD
[vc_column width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [vc_cta_button title=”Download” href=”https://downloads.photoshoptutorials.ws/Enter Your Mind.zip” color=”btn” size=”btn-large” icon=”none” target=”_self” position=”cta_align_right” call_text=”Enter Your Mind.zip | 32.2 MB” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [/vc_column]
Tutorial by Jarka Hrnèárková
9 responses to “Add Fractals to Create Dreamy Photo Manipulations”
Turned out beautifully!! Thank you I enjoyed doing this one
Happy you’re back again, for I learned a lot from your tutorials.
Great work -
Superbly done, Jarka.
Great Tutorial,Dear Jarka.
like it. -
very inspiring and easy to follow ,lovely pictures – thank you
Thank you very much!
Simply cute and sweet ?
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