Step 8
Take your Brush tool (B) and draw edges on the piece of asphalt. Use Shift to make straight lines from point to point! Take a dark color, like black or dark grey.

I repeated those steps several times with big and smaller pieces. Play around with it! Make your own creation! And this is the end result of the debris:

Step 9
I cut out a car from another photograph then pasted this into the project. Give the car the same filter effects (Filter > Artistic > Poster edges) then use the Cutout filter (Filter > Artistic > Cutout) to create a cartoonish look. Play with these settings to your liking. You can find more filters under the Filter > Artistic menu.

Choose Edit > Transform > Distort then manipulate the car so that it fits on the highway lane with the correct perspective.

Don’t forget to use the Warp tool (Edit > Transform > Warp) if needed.
Step 10
Add a text layer into the project and put in “VRRRROEMM”. Choose Layer > Rasterize > Type then use the Transform tool (Ctrl+T or Edit > Transform) to distort the text to your liking. Go to blending options then choose gradient. (Right click on layer then choose blending options).

You can also do a black stroke around it! Here an example of the output.

Step 11
I also give the car a little bit more speed by draw a line. Take the brush tool, color white, and draw a line or some lines. Go to blending options and give it a black stroke, 2 or 3px depending on your project scale. For depth do the Alt trick i explained while doing the asphalt debris and text VRRROEEMM.

Step 12
I putted in another (half) car, to give a bit more action. (copy, paste from another photograph)

Make sure you tick the transform box. Scale the car to -100.

Then place the car next to the big traffic sign. Give the car also the filter effects Poster edges and then the effect Cutout, to create the cartoonish look.

Step 13
I used a fire picture i took from our fireplace to use it in this project. (copy, paste from another photograph)

I cut it out then applyed the Cutout effect. (Filter > Artistic > Cutout)
6 responses to “Comic Book Effect”
I’m a bit of a novice so some of this stuff goes over my head, eg. using the pen tool to select the right level of pavement, erasing the correct parts of the mountain, distorting it correctly, would like to see more detail. Nice job though, really helpful tutorial.
Thanks, I have learnt so much just fro this one tutorial! Kappow!!!
Only children doe -
it is awesome………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is actually a time consuming process tutorial… but it’s a stunning one. Great job !
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