When it opens input the following:

  • Brush Detail: 12
  • Shadow Intensity: 1
  • Texture: 1

The result will be similar to this:


After that, we will need to reduce the Opacity of this layer to give it more detail. Click on the duplicated layer and then reduce the Opacity to 50%.


Step 8: Give the image a soft glow

In this step, we will make the image glow. To do that, first flatten the image. Once flattened, duplicate it again (Ctrl/Cmd + J). Click on the duplicated layer and then go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. When it opens, input the following:

  • Gaussian Blur: 16.0px
  • Lighten
  • Opacity: 35%

The result will be a blurry image but this is not what we want, to give it a soft glow change the Blending mode to Lighten and change the Opacity to 35%.


The result will be similar to the following:


Finally, when you’re done, right click on this layer and then click on Flatten image.

Download the PSD

Against the Storm.zip | 29 MB

Authors Comment

image124When I was a kid, I was a huge fan of traditional fantasy paintings. To be honest, I never knew how to paint so for those of you out there who want to see their works looking like a fantasy painting, this tutorial is for you. Anyway, thank you for visiting this page and using my tutorial, if you want to see more of my art works, give me a shout at my website.

– Michael Vincent Manalo

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4 responses to “Create a Beautiful River Scenery in Photoshop”

  1. hadrusi Avatar

    nice :D

  2. sm Avatar

    the river photo on deviant arts, several links are the exact photo here, very popular tutorial, thanks!

  3. backstrom19 Avatar

    stockimage 10 isn’t there anymore

    1. Ulrich Avatar

      That deviantart account closed. I just used this picture instead http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1405918

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