Click on the layer with shadow pressing Ctrl. It activates the mask of the layer. Grab Brush Tool (B), pick black color and fill with it the selection. Press Ctrl + D to deselect it. Now go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur… and the Radius on 2,5 px. Press OK. Lower the opacity on 60%.
Do the same with the bigger flowers which are in the forepart of the picture.
After this step your manipulation should be similar ti the one bellow.

Step 12 – Improving the Light
The light scene is quite boring yet. It deserves more contrast. Add a new layer on the top of your layers and name it MORE LIGHTS. Grab Gradient Tool (G) and fill the layer with solid black color.
Now go to Filter > Render > Lens Flare…. Choose one of the Lens Types (I chose 105mm Prime) and set the Flare Center similar as you can see bellow.

Change the Blending Mode of this layer on Screen. It causes that the black color become invisible and flare nicely blends to the rest of the picture.
Place the brightest spot of the flare on the area where the light source is . Press Ctrl + T and rotate the layer to it has same direction as can be seen bellow.
![19[1] 19[1]](https://cdn.photoshoptutorials.ws/images/stories/CreateaDeathlyPhotoManipulation_EFD/191.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&webp=82&avif=82&w=1920&ssl=1)
The brightest spot of the flare is too bright and it doesn´t look nice. To make it bit darker add new layer mask. Grab Brush Tool (B), select some soft round brush, lower the opacity on 30%, pick black color and gently paint over that spot.
Step 13 – Adding the Birds
This is another really simple step. Download some bird brushes ( e. g. these) and install them into the Photoshop. If you don´t know how you can take a look at this tutorial.
Create a new layer on the top of your layers and name it BIRDS. Grab Brush Tool (B) and select the brushes you´ve just installed. Pick some dark grey color. I don´t recommend you to use the pure black since things in distance are usually lighter and also because black color looks in most cases to harsh and not much realistic. In nature you don´t see many pure black things – they are dark drown, dark green etc.
You can choose some dark color from the sky for example. Now paint the birds.
9 responses to “Create a Deathly Photo Manipulation”
The image on the top has an error it’s half white.
Thank you for letting us know! It’s fixed now.
A quite good tutorial. Thanks for sharing.
this tut is horrible liek get no scoped bud!
Would love to try this but can’t find the photos
I enjoyed this tutorial greatly. Thank you.
très bon tuto,bien expliqué,dont j’ai fait une libre interprétation ,merci encore
Great tutorial thank you!
thanks for this tut it us really great .
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