
Step 37

Shrink down the flames mask to get rid of any edge artifacts caused by semi transparent pixels. Click on the flames layer mask and load Levels dialog box (Ctrl+L). Enter highest value in the mid tones field.


Step 38

We now going to clip different graphic elements to the shape layers. First Load the petals stock into Photoshop. Select a petal using any selection tool. Copy and paste into main document.


Step 39

Place the petal above the shape layer that we want to clip to.


Step 40

Copy the splash using Lasso Tool. Paste it above another shape. Scale it down and flip horizontally.


Step 41

Apply Unsharp Mask to sharpen the detail. Then clip it to the layer below.


Step 42

Load the grunge brushes into the brushes palette. Pick a grunge brush and apply a stroke.


Step 43

Clip the paint stroke to the shape layer.


Step 44

Add more elements. Add a sphere from the pack.


Pick a balloon from the balloon pack.


Step 45

Add butterflies from auto shapes. Or you can create your own butterfly from stock image.


Step 46

Create a nice blend in Illustrator. Select the lines and press Ctrl+Alt+B.


Step 47

Apply color overlay


Step 48

Drop in the splatter stock image into the composition to give organic feel. Place it below the shape layers. Size down the splatter to fit the document.


Step 49

Add some more enhancements. Load the star brushes into the brushes palette. Pick a brush and adjust the parameters.


Apply the brush.


Step 50

Now create light streak. Make a new layer. Select a round soft brush. Set the brush size to 500px. Apply the stroke on the bottom edge of the canvas and stretch it vertically.


Step 51

Place it above the star and invert it.


Step 52

Rotate the streak by -45 degrees.


Step 53

Add tiny highlights with the star brushes and a soft brush. Choose white as brush color.


Step 54

Add some more highlights varying in size using soft brush.


Step 55

Add some color.


Step 56

Change the layer blend mode to Screen.


Step 57

Give the model some additional treatment.


Step 58

Create a new document 350 X 350 pixels. Fill the background with black. Apply Lens Flare effect (Filter > Render > Lens Flare.)


Step 59

Drag and drop the lens flare into the design. Place it above the butterfly, change the blend mode to Screen.

Pages: 1 2 3 4

24 responses to “Create a Mixed Media Style Design In Photoshop”

  1. arturorapp28164 Avatar

    There’s certainly a lot to learn about this issue. I really like all the points you have made.

  2. halim Avatar

    I have problem in step 11, can someone help me please?

  3. Jessica Avatar

    can someone help me plz

  4. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Great, thanks for all the helpful info!

  5. Matth042 Avatar

    Hey, really nice tuto!!!!

    But too hard for me, could you let me the .psd by mail? :$

    Thanks you very much

  6. me Avatar

    I should qualify that. Creating a shape in CC creates a vector mask on the Paths tab, just not on the Layers tab as you tutorial shows. I thought that was kind of curious.

  7. me Avatar

    Thanks so much for this. Crystal clear. Loved it. Photoshop CC is behaving differently for me though. When I create a Shape, a vector mask isn’t automatically created with it. Hmmm…??? I did the whole thing with layer masks though with no problem. Thanks again :))

  8. xin Avatar

    i love your work is amazing. your good.

  9. Jane Avatar

    Very got

  10. Andre Avatar

    I’m stuck on step 31 and 32, i can’t figure it out

  11. sgfrdrgehwrth Avatar


  12. formams Avatar

    thanks body i have lerned so mush things

  13. Justin Avatar

    The pathing is not mentioned nor being directed and probably its scrambled. I know this is not easy to process, but atleast consider the “detail by detail” rule in terms of making tutorials. But atleast you made it shorter so thank you!

  14. Nikki Avatar

    I love this tutorial but I always have trouble with step 24. I have done it a few times, but it always takes me a good chunk of time to do it. When I do the alt+delete it either turns it white or the color of the shape.

    Anyway you can go into a little more detail on that step?

    1. wiseman designs Avatar
      wiseman designs

      It simple add me on bbm 2861821c and i will tell u the majic about this

  15. Miles Avatar

    Yes, I agree with the above comment. Smaller steps get skipped like “how to make a pattern” and the layer mask steps are very confusing.

  16.  Avatar

    This tutorial is awful, I’m going crazy trying to figure it out.

    1. c3 Avatar

      Actually, this tutorial is wonderful if you’ve got some graphic design background. If you have trouble understanding it, just google it. That’s what I did. I never used masks before and with a few google searches this project came out great. Love it!

    2. jessica Avatar

      me to I get lost to

  17. arif Avatar

    waw… this tutorial very good.

  18. Omkar Allaripillavadu Avatar
    Omkar Allaripillavadu

    Very Cool Dude, You Done Awesome Work.. :) :)

  19. eutim Avatar

    video tutorial pls

  20. iqrom afra Avatar
    iqrom afra

    thanks for the tutorial, keep sharing

  21. SusieCC Avatar

    Step 9 is missing, I am confused about step 8 as I don’t know what I’m supposed to be creating outside the main circle :(

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