Set layer Blending Mode to a “Multiply” and reduce Opacity to 69%, Fill to 60%.

Step 42
Next adjustment layer is “Selective Color” (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color…). Use image below to adjust the settings for each color. As you can see from the result, I added more blue and green tints in the color range. It looks a bit strange, but the next adjustment layer will put everything in its place.

Step 43
Now we take down a bit color, saturation and add a bit of darkness. I use adjustment layer “Black & White” (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Black & White…) with preset “Red Filter” to remove color from dark areas of the image. Try experimenting with different presets to find an interesting option for you. Reduce layer Fill to 40%. On adjustment layer mask with soft black brush restore original color of runes. On this tinting is over.

Step 44
I decided to add a bit of detail and emphasize mysticism in a picture and is therefore used Brush Tool (B) with feather brush and black color to draw on foreground a bit of flying feathers. Try to keep the feathers more dense and do not apply it more than a third of the working area.

Step 45
In the last step I create a vignette to focus the viewer’s attention only on the center of the image. With Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) draw a rectangle a little smaller than working area. Inverse selection via Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + I or go to Select > Inverse. Press Shift + F6 or go to Select > Modify > Feather and set Radius to 60px. Fill selection with black color (D > Opt/Alt + Del or go to Edit > Fill > Color…).

Final Results
That’s all, dear reader! I hope you liked my tutorial and you find it useful for themselves and enjoyed the workflow. In tutorial I sometimes mention a realistic option. The image below is shown it. This is the second version of my picture where I decided to create a more realistic in terms of real life. I removed all unnecessary effects and runes. I also flip whole image horizontally (Image > Image Rotate > Flip Horizontal). A little adjust sky and mountains. That all.
6 responses to “Create a Mystical Photo Manipulation of the Great Ragnarok in Photoshop”
totally cool. I figured it might be way more steps, but when you are dealing with stock images and things, it goes much faster.
Thank you very much! I am very pleased to hear that! Optimization process an important part of the picture. This helps to save time and organize steps. Feel free to share your final result!
What brush you use in 35 step??
I greatly love this good picture
Missing lightning image
https://pixabay.com/en/lightning-weather-rocket-983/ -
Unbelievable… ???
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