
Step 9

Add a layer mask and as with the previous images, you need to make a smooth transition between sky and main image. With same settings for Brush Tool (B) work carefully on a layer mask and use different brush sizes to get a realistic picture.


Next, remove noise from clouds. I specifically did not create the background completely and then use Camera Raw filter because each image has its own degree of noise and need different settings for each layer. Also, I do not need to change the color of the sky, because the original image has beautiful shades and blends in well with the background. Go to Filter > Noise > Reduce Noise… Set Strength to 9, Preserve Details to 20%, Reduce Color Noise to 10% and set around 10% to Sharpen Details, be sure to checked “Remove JPEG Artifact”.


Step 10

I decided to add some details. To emphasize the drama of what is happening (although still nothing happens, but you’ve seen the final result). Lightning is a very good element of the picture, because it tells the viewer about something mystical or terrible (if we take into account the Norse mythology, Thor the god of thunder and rain storms. Maybe this is epic battle between Thor and the snake Jormungand). So, place lightning image (File > Place (Place Embedded)). Resize it as shown in image below and change layer Blending Mode to “Screen”. Next duplicate filter “Reduce Noise” from the sky (hold Opt/Alt and drag the circles on a layer with lightning). Add a layer mask and mix sky with clouds and lightning.


Step 11

Now you have several options. The first is to leave the lightning and follow the principle of realism, or you can read these few steps and add more lightnings. Now I will tell you how to create a nice lightnings by using Photoshop. First of all you need to create a new layer (Cmd/Ctrl +Shift + N or use “Create a new layer” icon). Take a Gradient Tool (G) with black and white gradient (D) and linear style. Draw a gradient from left to right side it does not matter how you apply a gradient. Most importantly, there was a small slope.

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6 responses to “Create a Mystical Photo Manipulation of the Great Ragnarok in Photoshop”

  1. vendle Avatar

    totally cool. I figured it might be way more steps, but when you are dealing with stock images and things, it goes much faster.

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you very much! I am very pleased to hear that! Optimization process an important part of the picture. This helps to save time and organize steps. Feel free to share your final result!

  2. Mikey Avatar

    What brush you use in 35 step??

  3. Riccardo Maria Mantero Avatar
    Riccardo Maria Mantero

    I greatly love this good picture

  4. Tek Raj Gurung Avatar
    Tek Raj Gurung

    Unbelievable… ???

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