Step 27
Go to Image > Adjustments > Levels… or press Cmd/Ctrl +L to open levels adjustment window. Set for blacks Add a layer mask for this image (Opt/Alt + click on “Add a layer mask” icon or go to Layer > Layers Mask > Reveal All). Use Brush Tool (B) with black color, Opacity around 30 – 50%, Size: 100 – 250px on a layer mask to hide edges of cloud’s layer and smooth texture.

Step 28
Create another one new cloud layer with “Screen” Blending Mode and Opacity: 40%, Fill: 35%. Add a inverted layer mask (hold Opt/Alt and click on “Add a layer mask” icon or go to Layer > Layer Mask > Hide All) and draw with white color to restore some clouds near the stones.

Step 29
Also, as interesting detail of the fog, you can use the lightning. Yes, the same lightning from Steps 11 – 14, but only a little blurry. I use Gaussian Blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) with Radius around 15.0 pixels. To add this kind of fog use the Steps 11 – 14 but only on a grass.

Step 30
Now add runes. For long did not look for the resources I used Wikipedia and chose the runes that I wanted to add in my picture. Then just draw them using Pen Tool (P) on each stone and fill with black color (right click > Fill Path). Try to draw the runes in accordance with the arrangement of stones and perspective. Do not create the curvature on the runes. To do this, there are filters. After all merge all layers into one (Cmd/Ctrl + E or Layer > Merge Layers) and convert to Smart Object (Layer > Smart objects > Convert to Smart Object).

Step 31
Now a bit of work with styles, to create the effect of burning/glowing runes. Change layer Fill to 0% (do not use Opacity otherwise you will hide effect). Go to Layer > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay…/ Outer Glow… or use “Add new fill or adjustment layer” icon at the bottom of layer panel. First style is “Outer Glow”. Set Blend Mode “Screen”, Opacity: 100%, change to “gradient” grow mode and set up gradient “Foreground to Transparent” to colors #f6d243 > #ff8948 > #e40202 > #ff8948.
6 responses to “Create a Mystical Photo Manipulation of the Great Ragnarok in Photoshop”
totally cool. I figured it might be way more steps, but when you are dealing with stock images and things, it goes much faster.
Thank you very much! I am very pleased to hear that! Optimization process an important part of the picture. This helps to save time and organize steps. Feel free to share your final result!
What brush you use in 35 step??
I greatly love this good picture
Missing lightning image
https://pixabay.com/en/lightning-weather-rocket-983/ -
Unbelievable… ???
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