Step 27 – Adding the Textures
In this step you will add two textures to create grungy look. First drag the texture number 3 from the grunge pack you’ve downloaded few steps back. Place it on the top of all layers and name it TEXTURE 1. Press Ctrl + T and resize it on the size of the manipulation. Change the Blending Mode of the layer on Soft Light and lower the Opacity on 75%. Download this texture and drag it into the manipulation too. Place it on the top and name it TEXTURE 2. Change the Blending Mode on Overlay and lower the Opacity on 30%.
Step 28 – Improving the Light
The light still needs some improvements. We’ll do them in this step. Add new layer on the top of the layers and name it LIGHT IMPROVEMENT. Grab the Gradient Tool (G) and fill the layer with solid #808080 grey color. Change the Blending Mode of the layer on Overlay. Now grab the Brush Tool (B), pick white color, lower the opacity on 40% and start painting over the areas which should be lighter. Then pick black color and do the same with the areas which should be darker. Below it’s shown how the layer should look with the Normal and Overlay Blending Mode. As you can see I made wall bit lighter because of the shining moon and bottom part of the wall and some of the waves darker.

Step 29 – Softening
According to me the picture would look better if it’s softer and has little dreamy feel. I’ll show you little trick how to do that. Grab the Marquee Tool (M) and select the whole manipulation. Press Ctrl + Shift + C to copy the picture merged and then Ctrl + V to paste it. Place this layer on the top of the layers and name it SOFTENING. Now go to Filters > Other > High Pass and set the dialogue as it’s shown below. Press OK. Now go to Image > Adjustments > Invert to invert the colors of the layer. Now change the Blending Mode on Overlay. The picture is softer isn’t it?

Step 30 – Vignette
The last thing you’ll do is adding vignette to the picture. To do that press Ctrl + Shift + C to copy merged image again and Ctrl + V to paste it. Place it on the top of the layers and name it VIGNETTE. Go to Filter > Lens Correction… (might be bit different in different versions of Photoshop) and set the window as you can see below. Press OK.
4 responses to “Create an Intense Apocalyptic Photo Manipulation”
Great !
this is my version
https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/My%20Desing/dddddd.png?w=AABKFKWU0NYg1Q9Mqkyr-PaV4kPe3ya5LofvpCm2oBVYbAtahnks alot
this is all f up…missing instructions
very good but some resources not available … thanx any way for your excellent tutorial
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