
Step 23

With selected layer mask go to Filter > Filter Gallery > Sketch > Halftone Pattern. Make following values for this filter Size: 2, Contrast: 25, Pattern Type: Lines and effect is ready. This effect is very good, give pleasant poster mood and completes the picture.


Step 24

Go back to adjustment layer. If you set Blending Mode of this layer to “Color Burn” colors become richer and deeper. But you can use Blending Mode “Hue” you’ll see that there was a beautiful shade of turquoise, which is very beautiful in harmony with the general composition. You can also experiment with other blending modes like “Darker Color”, “Screen”, etc.


Step 25

This step to your liking. You can add text to your holiday destination or other information at your request. In my case, this element is decorative. Take a Horizontal Type Tool (T) and type any text that you want. Set type “Brush Script Std Medium”, Size: 205.27px and color #fff200. With Free Transform Tool (Ctrl/Cmd+T or Edit > Free Transform) rotate your text. Move this layer below gradient layer.


Step 26

add a style to the text. Go to Layer > Layer Style > Inner Glow/ Gradient Overlay/ Outer Glow… For styler Inner Glow/ Outer Glow… settings the same – Blend Mode: “Screen”, Opacity: 35%, Size: 7px. For a Gradient Overlay set Blend Mode: “Lighten”, Opacity: 75%, gradient: #ff7102 > #ffff00 > #ff7102, Style: Linear, Angle: 127 and click OK. That’s all!


Final Results

That tutorial came to an end. I hope you find a lot of useful information in this tutorial and satisfied with your result. Do not be afraid to experiment with blending modes, colors and filters.


Download the PSD

[vc_column width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [vc_cta_button title=”Download” href=”” color=”btn” size=”btn-large” icon=”none” target=”_self” position=”cta_align_right” call_text=”Summer | 71.8 MB” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [/vc_column]

Tutorial by Maria Semelevich.


Thank you very much for taking the time to study this tutorial! I wish all luck and future achievements to you! I thank the authors of resources for their excellent work and good quality! If you have questions or need help, please contact me. You can contact me by e-mail – [email protected] or Facebook Deviantart Behance. I look forward to your feedback and creative works! I am open to suggestions and cooperation. With best wishes!

– Maria Semelevich.

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9 responses to “Create a Chic Summer Style Poster in Photoshop”

  1. Colin Avatar

    One of the best portrait I have ever seen.

  2. john Avatar

    i like the final design, but your tutorial is confusing as fuck = /

  3. Shabir Hussain Avatar
    Shabir Hussain

    Fantastic tutorial…..

  4. Erick Avatar

    Thank you! ?

  5. Poppa Avatar

    I have tried to download the images which are needed to follow the tutorial and my Norton keeps blocking it saying it’s a dangerous site

  6. erick Avatar

    images 404 Not Found

  7. Erick Avatar

    Some images are not tutorial

  8. Robert Avatar

    Most of the tutorial images are not showing.

  9. Izozo Nsenda Muna Avatar
    Izozo Nsenda Muna

    Good !!

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