
Step 38

Now for the Depth of Field, with the image selected press Q. This will bring you into quick mask mode where you can paint in a mask. This is very effective for lens blurs. Go ahead and paint in around the edges, thinking about whats closest and further away as well as what we’d like to focus on. When you’re done pressing Q again will bring you out of Quick Mask mode where you’ll get the marching ants. But its going to have to be inversed (Shift + Control + I) or right clicking with the Wand tool active (W).


Step 39

With the selection still active go to Filter > Blur > Lens Blur. My settings are below. This will give us a really nice natural looking blur to the piece putting more of the focus where we want it.


Step 40

Finally go to Layer > Adjustment Layers > Photo Filter and use cooling filter 80 as shown below! And thats it! You’ve successfully made a wonderful snowy crash scene! Congrats! Hopefully you learned some useful techniques and work flow methods!


Final Results


<h3>Download the PSD</h3>

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Tutorial by Jacob Pryor

Check out my Behance! Hope you enjoyed and found my tutorial very informative!

– Jacob Pryor

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5 responses to “How to Create a Cinematic Snowy Mountain Crash Site Scene in Photoshop”

  1. Gan Avatar

    some pict are missing

  2. senpai Avatar

    this is boring

  3. Limbert Avatar

    Some links of the images are down…

  4. Najia Khlifa Avatar
    Najia Khlifa

    It is professionnel

  5. Hisham Miind Avatar
    Hisham Miind

    is there any tutorial for it ? i will try for sure .

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